Happy 50th Birthday Barbie!!!



Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2007
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South Charleston, WV
Happy 50th Birthday Barbie!!! :toothy4:



(Notice the McFries on the chair and the Diet Pepsi cans all over the place!!LOL)

Barbie has gotten old...

BTW, your quote at the bottom is a good one, as long as it does not become an excuse for eligerance.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss"

For example, a woman I occasionally deal with, and can be quite difficult, said "Most people know I am gruff, so get over it". As if the ability to deal with others in a polite, civil manner is an inherited trait! Another person in my family was continually argumentative, verbally abusive, and outspoken to a fault. We all dealt with it, but avoided him whenever possible. We should not change who we are per se, but we can certainly change the way we choose to interact with others. We should all constantly strive to better ourselves in all areas of life, especially in our relationships, for, as Seuss implied, they are the most important.

Another interesting quote around Seuss' point:
We spend money we don't have to buy things we don't need to impress people we don't know.

Of course, this does not relate to me or my Duster!
Barbie has gotten old...

BTW, your quote at the bottom is a good one, as long as it does not become an excuse for eligerance.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. - Dr. Seuss"

For example, a woman I occasionally deal with, and can be quite difficult, said "Most people know I am gruff, so get over it". As if the ability to deal with others in a polite, civil manner is an inherited trait! Another person in my family was continually argumentative, verbally abusive, and outspoken to a fault. We all dealt with it, but avoided him whenever possible. We should not change who we are per se, but we can certainly change the way we choose to interact with others. We should all constantly strive to better ourselves in all areas of life, especially in our relationships, for, as Seuss implied, they are the most important.

Another interesting quote around Seuss' point:
We spend money we don't have to buy things we don't need to impress people we don't know.

Of course, this does not relate to me or my Duster!


I post jokes here all the time.... get over it, ok? :-\"

Dr Seuss also said, " ...could you , would you, with a goat?..."
ROFLMFAO. :evil4:
How can you be a barbie for Halloween?

Okay so, me and my friend want to be barbies for halloween, but we don't want to look like "sluts" with the bleach blonde hair and the orange tans, so how could that be possible?
How can you be a barbie for Halloween?

Okay so, me and my friend want to be barbies for halloween, but we don't want to look like "sluts" with the bleach blonde hair and the orange tans, so how could that be possible?

DUDE ... You're from the Bay Area and you don't know how to dress in drag????:poke::scratch: