Happy Birthday MeMike. I'm having a cold one as I write this in your honor. Live long and prosper. Make a wish, (maybe a red Dart),:wav::blob: and blow out that massive number of candles. Mike
Best Wishes to you! I'll definitely have a Canadian toast to you when I get off work. After reading many of your posts, if anyone deserves one, it's YOU! Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, and although I don't have an envelope big enough, this is the best I can send
Happy birthday, memike! That picture by One Of Many is a perfect present for you. Here's your birthday joke: A baby seal walks into a bar. The bartender asks him "whattle ya have?" The baby seal replies; "Anything but a Canadian Club."ccasion:
Happy B-Day there young'un. :cheers: And I hope you have many more - at least one per year. :clock: I'll definitely tip back a few Labatt's 50 brewskies for you as soon as I get off work this afternoon. :drinkers: Rock on dude!! :rock:
Treva, you'd better keep an eye on the old guy so he doesn't get in trouble. :-D
LOL, Seeing as how I started this thread this morning and Mike has yet to respond I bet that he has been in full on party mode all day and is ganna be one hell of a hurting unit whenever he wakes up tomorow lol.