Happy B-day memike!!!

Happy B-Day brother!!!!:eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion:
Thank you to a younger brother I never had Joe :happy10: You sure have made my day's turn from bad to good just catching your post's here for me :-D
To you my brother :drinkers: and to all the great day's you have gave me here. :rock::happy10::rock:
Oh man I missed this! Sorry brother Mike.

Happy belated bday from the islands MeMike!

Aloha and have a Koko Mele for me! ;)

Maragarita Mike!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MEMIKE from your friend down in Texas! Hope you have a good one...and from the pictures looks like you are. Steaks and bud lite and a swimming pool can't get much better!
Have a happy birthday Memike:cheers:
Thank you and I am again retsud043, I hope your day was great to :cheers:

Have a great birthday with your family and take a relaxing Sunday drive in Victoria.
I did and leave the keys in that fine=P~ barracuda for me I will be there in bought 10 minutes :rock::drinkers:

Happy Birthday Mike

I seen that picture and it warmed my hart :heart: Thank you Mrs. C You are so much fun to hear from :cheers:
Don't ever change :-D

Haha, you're older then me again :-D Happy Birhtday Mike :cheers:
Thank you Ropb, You sure have been fun and very cool to be around!! Hope you had a great day to bud
Hey memike, I've never met you but you are a legend so......happy Bday , have a good one!
Not much to meet 65Vart :-D Just me memike enjoying this great site and your great early A =P~ I am so happy to have you here with us and enjoy your time you spend here. Thank you 65Vart, I am at a loss for words for the feeling this bushel of bunches of folks here....:happy10::happy10:
Happy B-day Memike!
Thank you J :-D
Its been quite a day :rock::drinkers:

Happy bday memike!

Wishing you a great one fellow mopar brother!

Keep it real,keep it steel!

Cool words there nemesis :cheers:Keep it real,keep it steel!
That is so cool :happy10: Thank you :drinkers:

Good Lord have mercy, Memike's cookin' again !!

Gee gosh wili-kers.............that plate's makin' me sali-vate.......

Happy Birthday my friend!....and keep a cookin'. 8)
Brother Tom :cheers: You know I will just to bug the $h!t out of you when you are at work :toothy10: Thank you pastortom1 :drinkers:
Man, I almost missed this.

Happy Birthday Mike!!!!:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

Man, I almost missed this.

Happy Birthday Mike!!!!:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:

NAW!!! You made it during happy hour 340 dart =D>
THank you bud :drinkers:
Happy Birthday Mike, and here's to many more!:drinkers:
Been working on the house all day getting ready to re-side it.
Just turned the computer on and relax.
You new I was out of Tequila didn't you brother :toothy10::-D
That looks like a great drink :cheers:I will have to give that one a spin :toothy10:
He looks like he is ready for the world
Dang I sure could use a shot about right now =P~
Thank you my brother kutacando:happy10:
Happy Birthday Mike, and here's to many more!:drinkers:
Been working on the house all day getting ready to re-side it.
Just turned the computer on and relax.
I hope your day went well norshorblufish :cheers:
Set back and enjoy a refreshing evening and thank you for the well wishes :-D
As you can see this is my Saturday night :-D
Happy Birthday MeMike.
Thank you dragnknights :cheers:
I would like to that FBBO for the happy birthday e-mail I got from the other site while I am here and can remember the e-Mail I just looked at :happy10:
During my day yesterday Nella E-Mailed me and she had a great week end out with her dad and her hoarse and friends:happy10:
It was a hectic day for me and it sure made my evening so relaxing and put a big smile on my face and in my hart :happy10::happy10::happy10:
THank you Nella and geof :happy10:
Happy Birthday from one July baby to another. Guess we know what are Dads where doing in November!!!!!!!!!!! :toothy10:
Happy birthday memike from cosgig and cudagirl, hope you enjoyed every minute of your day!!! We're sure you probably did!!! Geof and Nella
Hope it was a good day for ya!!!!!!

I had a real good day and came here to y other family and they all put the icing on the cake whitey :-D I hope you had a good one to.:happy10: Thank you Eric
Happy Birthday from one July baby to another. Guess we know what are Dads where doing in November!!!!!!!!!!! :toothy10:
:toothy10: I hope they had air conditioning :-D Thank you greendart72

Happy birthday memike from cosgig and cudagirl, hope you enjoyed every minute of your day!!! We're sure you probably did!!! Geof and Nella
I sure did Geof and Nella :happy10::-D
I sure did enjoy hearing and seeing the great week end
Nella has stole my hart :happy10: And thank you I was blessed all week end :happy10: