Happy BD to 6pk2goDemon!

Happy Birthday C!Hope your day is filled with joy!Your a great asset to this site FABO.:cheers:
Happy Birthday Darling, have a few on me eh and stay away from that chocolate, you know it's not good for ya. Ya right.:love7:
Wow Birthday and Mothers Day all rolled into one?? Hope its a great double whammy day for you there C!!
Have a wonderful birthday my friend! Enjoy it to the max and eat all the chocolate you can get your hands on. :-D
And they ask how old. We all know your old enough to know better but still young enough to still want to. Cheryl, you have a good one and let him know that it should be done your way on your day.
Small Block
Geez Rob, C doesn't need her eye poked out on her birthday!!! Would you ask that girl to put those things awayyyyyyyyyy for a few minutes, sheesh ..... LOL