Happy BD to comoxian!

We are having thunder storms here this morning and I posted here two times
So let me try this again Mark 8)
I bet you had a great Strongend :cheers: We all know you have friends and enjoyed a day your way, so lets see some pictures :-D
Happy birthday comoxian :eek:ccasion::eek:ccasion:

I better hit the submit button real quick :-D:shock:
Happy Bday Comox.Today you can clown around all ya want.:-D

Thank you all for the Birthday wishes.

I wish that I could clown around. Have to go renew my driver's license, then it's off to work out of town again. About a 300km (200 mile) drive to a pulp mill in Port Alice. I just got back Friday night from working ten twelve hr days up there.

Work eights the rest of the week, come home for two days, then back for another four tens and three off until we're finished. We have 500' of 12" stainless to install for a water line to the acid plant. Should be fun, well, as fun as work can be :-D.

At least I get to stay in Port Alice this time, and not have to drive 50km each way, twice a day, along a very winding road.

Y'all have fun while I'm away and play nice. :cheers:
Happy birthday Mark. Feel free to stop in any time you're through this way again.
Thank you all for the Birthday wishes.

I wish that I could clown around. Have to go renew my driver's license, then it's off to work out of town again. About a 300km (200 mile) drive to a pulp mill in Port Alice. I just got back Friday night from working ten twelve hr days up there.

Work eights the rest of the week, come home for two days, then back for another four tens and three off until we're finished. We have 500' of 12" stainless to install for a water line to the acid plant. Should be fun, well, as fun as work can be :-D.

At least I get to stay in Port Alice this time, and not have to drive 50km each way, twice a day, along a very winding road.

Y'all have fun while I'm away and play nice. :cheers:

Happy Birthday, sounds like you're working way too hard to enjoy it. Hope you get a break at some point, although I'm sure the money is nice :-D
Happy Birthday comoxian. Pick a day that you're off and celebrate my friend!!