Happy VD..



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How-To Section Editor
Aug 20, 2007
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Orland Park, IL
What did you think I meant?

It's Valentine's Day. Happy Valentines Day everybody.
Here's your V-Day card from you know who:


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Happy venerial disease?
Ad from a sporting goods retailer...
Give your Valentine a good nights sleep,
All bats and clubs 25% off. :)
Never was a "happy" VD day for any troup in Southeast Asia...except maybe after 14 days of ampicilian.....or the dreaded shots....lol
Dont want to bring anyone down, but i hate this holiday!

I hear ya. It's basically a trap for men. If you don't buy her something good enough, you will be sleeping on the couch tonight and not getting any....

Then you gotta buy a dozen roses for over $30 that are eventually gonna die and get thrown out plus a gift & dinner, when you coudda spent that money on the car...

Rodney Dangerfield quote:

"How many times on a cold, cold morning, when you really need it -a car and a woman, they won't turn over...."
The bosses wife seemed like she was in a ill mood yesterday. I was going to ask the boss did he get her anything for VD but I guess I didn't have too.