Hard to kill attacking pit bull.

i think that society fails to remember that dogs are still wild animals. they have instincts. yes i do believe that pitbulls can be raised as good family pets, but....... in my opinion they do take more care in raising/training them. I am by no means a dog expert but i have grown up with and trained rottweilers all my life. these dogs are also considered dangerous breeds. my rotty has the most gentle deminer you will ever find in a dog but in the back of my mind i know that she is still a wild animal that has been domesticated.

That is dead on truth! You know exactly what it's like, and what it takes, to effectivly train and handle a high drive dog. They aren't a beginner breed by any means of the word. It takes a fair amount of understanding and experiance to get a pittie or a rottie to do as told and obey even some of the most simple commands.

I just despise when I hear people start bumping their gums about how pitt bulls are terrible animals and should be outlawed. Gets under every layer of skin when I have to deal with the ignorance and foolishness like that.
i wouldnt own one either. i always have a pocket knife on me...probably wouldnt help much if at all though. them dogs are tough.

A tip for if you ever are attacked, by ANY breed. If you know for a fact that you will be bit, and no way out of it, give the dog your forearm, wrap your other arm around its head and force your arm farther into its mouth, as hard as you can. First instinct is to pull away, do that if you want chunks of arm missing.

As pro pit as I am, and have obviously conveyed. If I were attacked by any dog my, and my families, saftey and survival far outweighs the love I have for dogs of any breed. I'll shove my hand down a dogs throat and pull its stomach out before ill let it hurt anyone else before my own self.
I thought the word "Pit" came from the dogs being placed in a pit and fighting.

I had a friend years ago show me his pit bull talents. This dog was just a regular yard dog. I would visit my friend and would have no trouble getting out of the truck. My friend could straddle the dog and start rubbings it's ears and that dog would start this nasty sounding growl and it's teeth started showing. My friend would quit rubbing it's ears and the dog would stop. I asked him did he train the dog to do that and he said no it's breed into the dog. Another words my friend could put that dog on anyone or any other dog and that would attack. Strangest thing I have ever seen. My friend did it one day and the dog whirled around and almost got him.
I have both a pittbull and a rott and I am way more nervous of my rott around people than my pittbull. I've had the Pitt for 2 years and she is an absolute pussy and sweetheart. When my family found out that I adopted a pittbull they freaked. My mom is terrified of dogs and wouldn't come to my house after I got her because of all the bad press they get from retarded dipshits that are ignorant and open their mouths before they do their research. After my mom met my dog she fell in love with her and regularly comes over to my house to take her with her running errands. I admit they can be unstable so so are postal workers! It's really sad that people chose this breed because they are strong to be a personal reflection of their shortcomings. It's the cowardly ignorant a hole that owns the out of control version of this breed that screws it up for us responsible dog owners. I can guarantee more people are attacked by little shitty ankle biters than pittbulls. You provoke any breed of animal long enough it's going to snap. Guess you just can't fix stupid.
My Opinion.....from experience.
I owned a Pitbull years ago. I had both of my children born while Motley was alive. He never hurt them or another person. He converted many Pitbull haters into Pitbull lovers. He was the smartest dog I have ever owned....and that's a lot of dogs of various breeds. He had his nuts until the day he died. He was extremely loyal to myself and my family and my friends. A lot of his training was done by my mother while I was at work. I was more than aware of the breed as I knew then and still know many Pitbull owners. He got arrested one day for wondering around. The dog catcher, whom he did not know, picked him up and threw him in the cab of the truck with "her", and took him to jail, accusing him of being a vicious dog, much like most inexperienced people do. I had to buy a city license to bail him out.
He did however kill a few cats. I'm referring to ones that sat out of his reach on his chain in the yard taunting him. They got caught eventually.

Motley came from solid blood lines and had no interbreeding involved.

All dog owners are responsible for their dog's attitudes, actions and behaviors. Any breed can be aggressive, unsociable and mean. I am leery of Pitbulls as many owners are idiots and create unpredictable dogs, but I am leery of all dogs I can't control with a size 10 boot.
If someone is considering owning a Pitbull they have many things to consider. They require a lot of extra effort during training. They will draw conflict from many people. They also will demand a lot of love and attention and don't like to be abandoned at home as most dogs don't.

This is the opinion of an experienced Pitbull owner and dog lover.

Dog genetics is an amazing thing to look at. The manner in which behaviors have been selected and amplified among the breeds is simply astounding, considering they all come from something like a wolf.

I've been blown away observing dogs of the same breed as ones I've owned (particularly the purebreds) to find that the behaviors and mannerisms are so ingrained.

I know full well not all pit bulls got the aggressive breeding and that many are decent dogs. But the truth is a large percentage come from stock that was selected for pit fighting. Here's a few facts to consider that are rather sobering when you consider that there are 493 recognised breeds.

One 9-year (1979–1988) review of fatal dog attacks in the United States determined that, of the 101 attacks where breed was recorded, pit bulls were implicated in 42 of those attacks (41.6%).[36] A 1991 study found that 94% of attacks on children by pit bulls were unprovoked, compared to 43% for other breeds.[37] One 5-year (1989–1994) review of fatal dog attacks in the United States determined that pit bulls and pit bull mixed breeds were implicated in 24 (28.6%) of the 84 deaths where breed was recorded.[38]

One 15-year (1991–2005) review of dog attack fatalities investigated by the Kentucky Medical Examiner determined that pit bulls were implicated in 5 of the 11 fatal attacks (45.4%).[39] Another 15-year (1994–2009) review of patients admitted to a Level I Trauma Center with dog bites determined that pit bulls were involved in most of these attacks: of the 228 patients treated, the breed of dog was recorded in 82 attacks, and of these, 29 (35%) attacks were attributed to pit bulls. All other dogs combined accounted for the remaining 65% of attacks.[40] In 44.8% of the attacks, the dog belonged to the victim's family.[40] The authors state:

Attacks by pit bulls are associated with higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than are attacks by other breeds of dogs. Strict regulation of pit bulls may substantially reduce the US mortality rates related to dog bites.[40]

One 5-year (2001–2005) review of dog attack victims admitted to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia determined that pit bull terriers were implicated in more than half of bites. Of the 551 patients treated, breed was identified in 269 cases. Of these 269 patients, 137 (50.9%) were attacked by pit bulls.[41] The authors write:

...the overwhelming number of bites involving pit bull terriers in this study and others certainly has some degree of validity when it comes to identifying bite-prone breeds. Pit bull terriers, German shepherds, and Rottweilers were the offending breeds implicated in our study and have accounted for the majority of dog bites according to other investigators.[41]

One review of the medical literature found that pit bulls and pit bull cross-breeds were involved in between 42 and 45% of dog attacks.[42] Fatalities were most often reported in children, with 70% of victims being under the age of 10.[42]

Take particular note of that last sentence. It is disturbing to me that the dogs that attacked my friend are still with the idiot owner and they live not far from here. My daughter and grandchildren live even closer.

So indeed the shotgun remains ready. Semi auto. Given my friends experience it may take more than one round.

Another little tidbit to ponder. Same disclaimer applies of course, the generalization is certainly not universal. That said, I've certainly encountered this pattern recently.

Personality traits of owners

Several studies have determined that pit bull owners and owners of other "vicious" or "high risk" breeds (most commonly identified as Akita, Chow Chow, Doberman Pinscher, Pit Bull, Rottweiler, and Wolf-mix) are more likely to have criminal convictions and are more likely to display antisocial behaviors. A 2006 study comparing owner's of "vicious" dogs to owners of "low risk" dogs determined that the former group had nearly 10 times as many criminal convictions.[50] A 2009[51] and a followup 2012[52] study generally supported these conclusions.
They are nuts....I've owned several, and my brother rescued them and bred them.

I made sure none were ever around my children for obvious learned reasons.
here is my "dangerous" rotty. its all a case by case basis. these dogs can be dangerous. this one lives for my affection. no doubt in my mind that she would knowingly give her life for me. the definition of "mans best friend". my nephew was 2 yrs old and was eating crackers one day. he gave her one and she took it gently. he then decided he wanted it back. before i could move he had his entire arm down her throat all the way to his elbow trying to get the cracker back. he pulled his hand out and she spit the cracker out and licked his face.

As far as I can tell, grabbing its legs was their attempt to stop its attacks.
Pit bulls are bred for one thing - fighting. The fact that they can be good pets with good owners does not diminish the problem they represent. Too many idiots want them and own them.

Case in point. A friend just a couple months ago was attacked by two pitbulls from down the road as he was getting out of his truck IN HIS OWN DRIVEWAY. Prior to this they attacked and killed some of his livestock and chased his daughter into the house. One got his leg, fortunately by the pantleg and tried to drag him out of the truck, would not let go. He keeps a .357 in a lockbox in his truck. He managed to get it, and shot the dog in the head blowing one eyeball out. THE DOG DID NOT LET GO. He had to shoot it again in the body. It then let go but ran to the back of his truck and tried to jump into the back to attack my friend's elderly dog before finally retreating and running home.

The owner took it to the vet who performed multiple surgeries to save its life. No apology was made to my friend. The cops were unable to apprehend the dog. They could only issue a fine.

No other breed I know of displays this dangerous behaviour. Its the same as in the video. There are many many similar stories.

Any dog of that breed that shows up in my yard will be getting a dose of buckshot.

if this dog didnt get put down i would lay a steak out on my front porch and when it showed up i would pop 6 3in 12ga 00 buckshot into his a$$. I have a german shepherd and this dog is not mean at all the breeder says its cause the way its raised but this dog (mine) i know if i was in danger this doh would take care of business but other than that i would bet everthing i have this dog would never hurt anyone. but if they bite they need to go down just saying
Got 3 dogs love them all. But they are dogs and people forget that. WTF is wrong with those people grabbing its legs and shooting. If we all still hunted to survive they would be dead. Idiots
"are more likely to have criminal convictions and are more likely to display antisocial behaviors"

Describes me to the T,

Damn, I love my pits


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I used to be very leery of pits. Now I'm just a little leery.
A buddy of mine from work has owned pits for over 10yrs. His first and oldest, D (short for Diablo) is now 11 or 12 years old and was over 90lbs in his prime, he's now down to 75 in his old age. This dog is massive at his rib cage, shoulders, neck, and jaws. As a matter of fact I've never seen a dogs with bigger jaws. This dog looks very much like a bull because he's got that hump where his neck is a part of his back and shoulders, just a massive dog.
However, he's the sweetest and most loving dog I've ever seen. He listens everytime, and when he comes up to you the first thing he tries to do is lick your hands or face if you're on your knees. He then automatically rolls on to his back for belly scratchins. He's such a softy.
His other pit, Tank, is definitely his father's (D) son. They both have nearly the exact same markings, same temperament, and same muscularity. Tank is a little over a year old now and his jaws are approaching the same density and size that his pops are. Must be from all the chew toys my friend buys them.
Heaven forbid you sit in the couch where Tank sits! That dog will come unleashed with affection and put both his front paws on you and just lay halfway on you and on the floor. He'll stare you in the face and let out woofs and keep trying to lick you.

However, the mother of Tank, he had to put down at the Humane Society. Once the litter was around 3 or 4 months old she started killing them by tearing there throats out. One of the females she almost killed actually survived but had to have a bunch of antibiotics and stitches and stuff. His sister owns her now. But my friend won't own a dog who attacks or kills so he reluctantly had her put down.
The female pup Calisto, older, now, actually protected my friends sister recently from another pit-mix she had. For some reason the pit-mix snapped and attacked one of her other dogs and then went after her. Calisto got between them and went after the mix and pinned her down until friend's sister could get out of the yard. Calisto tore the crap out of that mix protecting, until the police got there. The mix was put down and Calisto was rewarded.

I believe that most of the breed can be effected by the way it's brought up but there are some out there that might just be nuts.
"are more likely to have criminal convictions and are more likely to display antisocial behaviors"

Describes me to the T,

Damn, I love my pits

Beautiful dog you have there.
Never had a pit. So I am no expert.
I think it is the owners behavior that
affects them.
My thoughts
If i were to be on a walk outside your house, and my dog enterd your yard and deuced and you shot him, you better reload fast of shoot me too, because I will definatly return fire.

I think I found the most IGNORANT post on this board.
I think I found the most IGNORANT post on this board.
I second you on that. YOUR dog comes on my property and threatens the safety of my family and i shoot it... and youre going to return fire? lol IDIOT!
The police here did their job. Protection of life and property. Driver was trying to hit that dog. And say what you will about cops being bad shots... many of those rounds probably hit that dog. I had to shoot one once. Four shots fired... four hits center mass. 9mm. The dog continued to run. Curled up in a ball in the back yard of an adjacent house and died 3-4 minutes later. This video was what... 45 seconds? BTW I'm a dog lover and have no aversion to Pitts. Have had Dobermans all my life.
I did not want to get in on this (the arguing thing that is happening now)
I think what 65 valiant meant was there WAS no danger to family and
some one shot it, because dogs do what they do if unleashed, by Accident
or what ever. Whats with all this shooting stuff.
My Thoughts
I stand corrected.. after re-reading his post, i realized that by "deuced" on my property he meant took a dump. lol, yeah no reason to shoot any dog for that. But the circumstance in the video doesnt compare.
Why is this in a funny thread?
There is nothing here to laugh at.
I would about be willing to bet half of you on this thread have no actual idea what a true APBT is... Or it's true history.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9nnF1AeY6A"]The REAL American Pit Bull Terrier Video - YouTube[/ame] Just a poke at them PITBULLS, I own a few, I know what I have, where they come from and the history of the breed... I fear not a one of my dogs, mainly because I know where they come from, and better yet, I know that were bred to the true working breed standard of the dog.
I would about be willing to bet half of you on this thread have no actual idea what a true APBT is... Or it's true history.

:prayer::prayer::prayer: i have owned pit bulls for almost 20yrs.. i have 1 now.. best most loyal dog you will ever fine.....people make the breed bad with all the neg. stuff from tv and even from people that dont know jack about the breed just what they heard from so and so.. alot of people dont even know these dogs are used for search dogs when people are lost and missing,even medical dogs taken to the hospital to be around the sick and ill ... do some research before talking bad about them :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: i have never been bitten or any of my family...i did have a friend that got bite once but guess who was messing with who????:sign3: ... :read::read::read::read::read::read::read::read: :walk::walk::walk::walk::walk: