Harmonic damper installation



Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2015
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Hi all, I got my damper from Professional Products installed, but I’m wondering if it’s not all the way on. It seems to suck out from the block, but I’m not sure if that’s correct. Thoughts?


I would double check the torque and see if the pulleys line up. If I remember right, on the back of the HARMONICA that came off my 360, there was some sort of stamped sheetmetal shield. I'll get pics when I get home tonight.
Definitely not on all way. It looks like the crank keyway got stuck, or it is not lined up properly.
I would suggest removing the balancer and checking the woodruf key itself for signs of damage.
Definitely not on all way. It looks like the crank keyway got stuck, or it is not lined up properly.
I would suggest removing the balancer and checking the woodruf key itself for signs of damage.

So the damper has a lip 1/4 of the way through it, at the lip the inner diameter narrows. So the crank would never make it past that point. I assume that’s as far as it is supposed to go

Got about 5/8 to go. Keep wrenching.

Some aftermarket balancers you have to ream to fit.
I used a PP SFI one and it slid right on my factory 96 5.9 crank.
I had a aftermarket damper that was way off, had to have a machine shop hone it to the right size.
Got about 5/8 to go. Keep wrenching.


Really? I mean the part where is narrows is very subtle, maybe 1/32”, but you just keep going with it?

I’m positive that the first time I put it on I tightened it down to 130 ft-lb. To get it over the lip would require more torque than what’s recommended to use as the final torque spec.
Maybe not exactly 5/8 but you’ve got a ways to go. I have that same one on my 360 magnum, I’ll get a picture for you.

Pull the balancer off, mic the crank and the balancer, the problem will be easy to find.
Mic the crank, mic the balancer, should only be a couple thou difference
Some aftermarket balancer's are way to tight. They need honing to get a tight but not impossible fit. Fluid Damper brand are way to tight out of the box.
Ok so od of the crank is 1.526

Inner diameter 1 of the balancer is 1.558

Inner diameter 2 is 1.526-1.5265

On paper that looks good but is that in fact too tight?
I just remembered my balancer did not have that step in it.
I bet you got a balancer that did not get final machined.
Don't give up on it. Hone the inside till you get a snug fit. Then see if the pulley's line up.
I got the company to send me the tech drawing which doesn’t show the inner diameter, but does show the step down in ID in the middle. So I guess it’s supposed to be there.

I’m thinking maybe I try putting it in the oven to open it up and hope for the best.

Also I don’t have a installation tool, but Larry Shepherds book just says to use the crank bolt to install the damper
My balancer did not have the step.
Does yours look like this, sorry it was the only picture I could find.
