Has anyone used a Ron Francis wiring kit?



Damn those rabbits, and their holes!
FABO Gold Member
Aug 14, 2016
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SW Washington
I'm contemplating buying one locally that's specific to Mopars, but wanted to see if there was any user feedback on the product before pulling the trigger. Has anyone used one of these?
No, But when I do need one, it will be a Ron Francis. They are expensive, but this is one case-you get what you pay for. He's been doing wiring harnesses since 1974 I believe. Your wiring harness will have a serial number on it. You ever have problems, get ahold of them day or night I understand, and they will help you thru your problem. I don't know of any other wiring harness place that does that. He has a huge paper catalog free. Order one and look through it. He probably has more streetrods on the road with his harnesses that anyone else.
I helped a local to me member here with one. I thought it was very nice. Really high quality. I liked most about it that it deletes the firewall connector.
i'll be doing one in a 68 barracuda here in a few weeks, i'll let you know how it goes.

i've done painless kits, and the RF kit looks every bit as nice, if not better. it's pretty inclusive and has most of the switches. the stand alone panel is nice and there's room to grow-- ie add relays for fuel pump/fan/efi.

what i really like is that it's color coded so you can use a factory manual.
IMHO...RUN, do not walk, away from these "universal" wiring setups (even if they are "Mopar specific") unless you have unlimited time and patience. M&H harnesses cost more but you can rewire the car in a couple days, and then follow the factory wiring diagram when you have issues down the road. I would never buy a car with one of those set ups under any circumstances.
ron francis kits are supposed to be pretty nice.. i've never used one though. if/when i rewire the dart i'll be using theamerican autowire classic update kit for it..
I used a kit from Ron Francis and I really like it. When I was ordering it I had said that I was going to run my battery in the truck and a nippon alternator.. So he had them put about 20 feet of the cable that ran from my alternator to the battery for no charge.
Thanks all for the input. I decided to go ahead and get this harness, partly due to price. I got it for $250 and it had several additional switches, relays, and outboard power access points on top of the standard kit. The wiring in the Dart is a Spaghetti Mess so this way I can remove it all and start from scratch.
I wish you luck! It would be cool if you tracked the hours that it takes to install the kit...
The last couple of wiring harness messes I did, I wound up taking (one time) the original harness (the other time) a junkyard harness in better shape than the original from same kind of truck, apart at the kitchen table and with a bunch of barrel crimps, solder, heat shrink, and a couple of spools of wire, I rebuilt them and retaped them up..... original connectors work the best when you have to plug into other original plug ins... I deleted the fusible links and grafted in a newer underhood fuse box from "something else" in the junkyard in their place.
I spent about a weekend on each and so far so good/ dont have $250 in both. Im gonna be doing the same to another D250 harness sometime this spring..... add that one to the other 2 I've done and still wont have $250 in all of them. but the prices Im finding on other things for them especially for nice original (but used) interior bits and pieces is more than making up for what Ive saved by D I Y'ing my harnesses..... you guys see what good interior windshield trim, door panels and Ramcharger consoles and seat pedestals are going for when they can be found???? I gotta save where I can to make up for that sort of headache
so far I did my sons 89 ramcharger harness (we deleted the TBI and went back carbureted) my 85 D150 and the next will be my 83 D250.
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