Has this ever happened to you?



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
St George, Utah
I have a few cars that I 'm parting out on here . I get a random PM from someone who asked if I'd sell the title , VIN plate and license plates off my parts car for a HEFTY sum. My gut reaction was no. And my final answer was no even after turning down his offer of $500.
Does this sound like someone "fishing" ? I must be honest and say for a moment that I thought the whole scenario out...The what if's....

My car is nothing special- Swinger, 318 auto puke green.
The amount offered seemed obscene. Gotta wonder (here comes the paranoid side of me out) if some Gov agency was fishing to see if they could hook some sucker into some illegal practice of selling VINS... OR is it?
Just looking for opinions regarding this and has it happened to you ?:???:
BTW- this person was someone new with zero posts- said he was looking online and saw MY car for parts...Weird.
i get those kind of werid replys to for sale items if ipost on this site but usually comes months after ive posted the for sale add,,,asking for all my personal info so they can send me a check,,,and send a tractor trailer to pick up my parts,,

i also get them right away if itry to sell on my locl craigs list,,,ive posted on cragins list in other states with out getting the weird e mails,,,,if its weird delete it,,,,
i had a two motors and some doors and stuff on clist for sale and i got a call asking if id sell the title to my dads old crushed 84 dodge 2wd that was striped to the core for my old camo mud truck. i talked it over with my dad and he said if we sign it over and he gets caught its no longer our problem and the title wasnt gonna do me any good and for 60 bucks hell its just a piece of paper the guy came to my house and paid me 60 bucks cash for that title, when i asked wat he was doing he said some guy sold him an 85 dodge truck and promised a title but didnt deliver so he was scarmbling for a title and he was sorry if he freaked me out. idk if he got away with it or wat but that was the easiest 60 bucks i ever made. ppl for some reason sell things without titles. mud trucks drag cars parts cars. and thats dumb to me cause mud trucks need titles cause honestly are you gonna be able to resist taking a quick trip to the store in your toy? i know i couldnt lol. so he may hav just been looking for some type of idenification so he could drive his pride and joy on the street, but it does state that on this site you can not sell vins or titles of any kind.
I don't know the llgalities of it, but after owning more than 200 cars, it is something I have never done and I've had lots of opportunities to do so. You did the right thing brother. When the gut or heart says no, that's usually the right answer.
i had a two motors and some doors and stuff on clist for sale and i got a call asking if id sell the title to my dads old crushed 84 dodge 2wd that was striped to the core for my old camo mud truck. i talked it over with my dad and he said if we sign it over and he gets caught its no longer our problem

Wrong. If there are laws in your state against that (there are in most states) that DOES make it your problem.

and the title wasnt gonna do me any good and for 60 bucks hell its just a piece of paper

Just a little piece of paper that can get you in BIG trouble for doing something stupid.

the guy came to my house and paid me 60 bucks cash for that title, when i asked wat he was doing he said some guy sold him an 85 dodge truck and promised a title but didnt deliver so he was scarmbling for a title and he was sorry if he freaked me out.

Then that's his problem to sort out. By selling him your title (and probably illegally) you are now complicit in the crime. You might wanna look complicit up.

idk if he got away with it or wat but that was the easiest 60 bucks i ever made. ppl for some reason sell things without titles. mud trucks drag cars parts cars. and thats dumb to me cause mud trucks need titles cause honestly are you gonna be able to resist taking a quick trip to the store in your toy? i know i couldnt lol. so he may hav just been looking for some type of idenification so he could drive his pride and joy on the street, but it does state that on this site you can not sell vins or titles of any kind.

Before opening your mouth....or keyboard in this case and give some more stupid advice, you might wanna use your head. Lots of people on here buy and sell cars everyday. I'm sure we even have some with dealer's licenses. They, like I know all too well that what you are advising is not only illegal in probably every state, but stupid, irresponsible and dishonest.
might be someone ( or even some gov't vulture ) trolling around for a complete , clean v.i.n. to use for one of those crate body cars .
states which require those vehicles to receive a state-issued v.i.n. for these kinds of vehicles make the title say the car's a , say , 2011 , and it must meet all of the smog and safety ( though I'm not sure about the safety assertion ) requirements of that model year .

if someone has a clean v.i.n. and title , they *can* apply said i.d. to their crate body and call it as such , thereby avoiding smog checks and the such .

just for ***** and giggles , someone should post an ad saying they're parting out a late 70's / early 80's car with a clean title , and see if one of these government trolls bites :)
Here's the actual pm from the guy...

Hey thanks for replying, I am curious in buying over the internet because there aren't any 70 dart parts cars in minnesota. And if there are, people want some crazy amounts of money for them. I have been looking for quite some time and came across your car. I figure I am not trying to turn my car into a numbers matching fake 340 car to scam someone and make tons of money, I would just like to be able to drive my drag car on the street. I have an old dash from a 73 that's a bit rusty from water leaking in but i think i can manage to restore it to be good enough so we don't have to deal with shipping a giant dash piece. For the pedigree I would be willing to offer you 500, half the amount you wanted for the whole car, and you get to continue to part all the parts off of it. If this interests you let me know either way and we can set something up. Springs coming and i have an itch to get this baby on the road lol. thanks, and just let me know either way.
You can legally sell the whole car of course, but not just the pieces he wants-very illegal. No way would I do it.
I have a buddy who owns a 69 Z28. It turned into a drag car years ago, he tried to tech it a while back and it failed for way too many things to list. He cut all the vins off of the car and was trying to sell them with the title with the idea that the car is more or less trashed and that it would not be a big deal if someone were to use the #'s to build a car off of......told him if I see it listed on EBAY/Craigslist he can expect to see law enforcement at his door....
I don't think a gov't agency could legally do that.. I believe that would be "entrapment" and not admissible in court,..... now if you offered it out.. that's different..
["]...For the pedigree I would be willing to offer you 500, half the amount you wanted for the whole car [...]["]
500 what ? 500 pesos ? 500 Canuk Bucks ? LMAO ! Tell that Kadiddlehopper to buy the entire car , or to go kick rocks :angel9:
500 what ? 500 pesos ? 500 Canuk Bucks ? LMAO ! Tell that Kadiddlehopper to buy the entire car , or to go kick rocks :angel9:
I,m with LH,tell him to buy the whole car and part it out himself.It,s only another $500 and if he wants to do whatever,thats his responsibility.Just make sure you sign the title SOLD!
You made the right choice.
V.I.N. tag swapping, selling, or purchasing is FRAUD.
There's no way i would be part of it.
really? wow i had no idea oh well i guess i should quit buying projects and filling in my special title info( date price) after i get the truck on the road three months or more after i purchase it and pay all those fees and **** huh?:angel9:eek:oops. yeah right like im really gonna give thses my money when i cant even drive it.
really? wow i had no idea oh well i guess i should quit buying projects and filling in my special title info( date price) after i get the truck on the road three months or more after i purchase it and pay all those fees and **** huh?:angel9:eek:oops. yeah right like im really gonna give thses my money when i cant even drive it.

How much money would it cost you?
It's good peace of mind to get it tranferred right away.
Here, we have 14 days.

Besides, this thread is about buying titles and V.I.N. tags to transfer onto another car.....#-o
What are you talking about specifically?
yes it is about transfering titles and vins to different cars but isnt the special title signing also fraud? which is wat we are talking about. look one form of fraud is fraud ok i get that and i wont sell another title. but when he mentioned drag car iknew thatswat it was about ppl sell cars without titles for some reaon or they promise to mail it i say f*ck that cause ppl are snakes and will do ANYTHING TO MAKE A QUICK BUCK. now the tile thing im talking about is when i pay 600 bucks for a truck such as my macho, that doesnt run cause it needs a new motor and then a gas tank. now in indiana you cant just send a title off you have to buy plates as well idk why but ive always had to and i hate the idea of paying all that cash for the truck to just sit in the yard its like basically dropping down a hundred dollar bill and pissing on it cause thats all thats doing. so i leave the date blank unless it runs and drives when i buy it. cause i have to plate it also. and thi time onmy macho it took a month to find a motor another month to put it in and then 3 months to find a gas tank and nother month to clean it and then had it plated and they set the title back cause the seller needed his wife to sign it and i havent taken it back cause the truck needs more work. see my point now? i dont give away my money for nothing.
I don't think a gov't agency could legally do that.. I believe that would be "entrapment" and not admissible in court,..... now if you offered it out.. that's different..

Tell that to Randy Weaver.
Man- someone pissed in Macho's Wheaties....Where taliking about selling vins and he's on a rant about getting a gas tank and a motor....OK dude I get it.

Initually, I thought hey, screw it, sell him the whole car.. I don't give a rip WHAT he does with it- that's his problem legally. Only problem was he was something like 1500-2000 miles away. I DO somewhat understand the problem that you would face with having a cool car with no dash to it being hacked up for racing- I guess my question would be - if you hacked it up, why would you throw away the cars pedigree? If you bought the car that way- what the hell were you thinking- unless you like spending extra $ and like jumping through legal hoops to get your car legal....OK I'm off my soapbox! LOL!