Having a Baby tomorrow!

Congratulations!! I am glad everyone is doing good.:angel9:
Know get some sleep while you can.:toothy10:
I guess you know she is the boss of the house know.:binky:

She is a beauty 71DartGuy :thumleft:
Wow, what a beautiful little girl!! She looks so peaceful wrapped in that blanket. Does SHE have a name. Congrats and best wishes for the new family. Remember you only get one shot and believe me, Your kids pick up on you alot more than I ever imagined. I would have set a better example if I knew that then:):):):)
.........Just wanted to let you know that cooking babies is against the law.....but if it's fully cooked already, I'm too late!

Honestly, been there, done that.........One of the greatest feelings in the world........God Bless ya' and the whole family!

(and ya' better not let that kid look at "Cheby" books.....Just makes 'em envious later on in life when they see great Mopars, and there they are with a Cheb or Ferd in the geerage). :toothy10::toothy10::toothy10::toothy10:
Well, we brought Laura home today at 11;30 and thank God I dont have to sleep on that damn pullout chair anymore! Her and mom are still doing great. Thanks for all the positive comments guys, my wife and I are really looking forward to being parents. Oh, and nothing but Mopar books for this little one! I'm gonna try and get a nap now.
enjoy her while she that tiny. They grow quick ! I miss that age. Mine are 2 and 4. Man they get wise at that age, LOL

What a wonderful daughter you have their. I'll be glad to help grandpa her. You know spoil her, give her lots of sugar, loud toys and send her home. Let me know if I can help.