i like the aux lights in the grille.. is that a sweden thing or custom?
Välkomna till FABO från SoCal. Du kommer att ha nöje här.
No, I don't speak Swedish. Just a free translation from the internet.
You must be from Southern Sweden judging by the rebel flag on your trunklid. LOL.
Here's a pic of the '68 Valiant our club built as our charity project car a couple of years ago. 400" big-block, RMS AlterKtion front and Street Lynx rear coilover suspension. Sweet car.
What's the plan for your Valiant?
Hi and welcome to the best site on the planet. I´m from Jarfalla just outside of Stockholm.
I recognize your pic from the web, don´t remember from where at the moment.
Did you buy your Valiant reccently?
Post a lot and have fun. Look no further, this place is full of knowledge and friendship.
Cool, got any more pics to share with us?hi thank you, i am from dalarna mora. I bought it for about 1.5 years ago
from i guy in sundsvall. when I bought it had a six in it, which had no rhythm on three cylinders, so I put in a v8 in the (318) =P~
Cool, got any more pics to share with us?
Would love to own a 67-69 Valiant two door sedan, always on the search for one but they are hard to find in good shape here in Sweden.
Welcome to FABO.
I like the look of your 67 with the extra lights in the grille,makes it look like a european car with those.
Do you know what color the car was when it was used by the police? It would be neat to paint it that color again.