That is a great idea Leanna! and i think considering all of us contestants may end up wanting something the other might have, im sure we can work things out between ourselves if say one realy needs a part that someone won but is useless to them (ill gladly donate or trade cuda parts to other young guns who may need em for example since i cant do much with them lol)...but i think this way is very very im crossing my fingers i win the 4 speed carpet! LOL...thanks Leanna and everyone who donated! even if i dont win a thing, im still pretty stoked this actually happened and that we have such a great community here to support something like shows that there are still kinda people out here in this world who know that a good deed goes a long long way....THANKS!!!!
For those of you that dont have a clue on how hard it would be to put this type of thing together with 50 or so people calling the shots, well here it is....IMPOSSIBLE. This LADY has done an outstanding job of making this happen and deserves a world of respect from everyone here on FABO. Things like this dont just happen. Someone has to grab the ball and run with it, and as we all know it is impossible to make everyone happy but in this case i think it's as close as it ever could be to being possible. With that said, Leanna, you are the Gem that we've all come to know and love and cherish. Tuck that ball under your arm and keep running. I'VE GOT YOUR BACK in a good way. You are indeed one of FABO's many great assets.
Your buddy, Small Block
Well done, very impressive. I couldnt help but want to be a part of this. I dont know what I have to donate, although I may not be able to donate any $$$. I am sure I can find something that will be useful to him/her or they may be able to trade it for something that they can put to use. Kinda like that guy that started out with only a red paperclip a few years to figure out WHICH red paperclip to donate. Leanna if you want email me at cuda169[at] to arrange for something.
Wow, thanks guys!

4spd, your kind offer is appreciated. You've got a few days to decide if you'd like to get in on the Prize Package (donations close January 30) so send me an email with a description of your donation and I'll add it to the list.
Congratulations Wendy on being the first winner of Leanna's contest!