Help!! Edelbrock 600 CFM Carb Problem!



Young Gun
Oct 7, 2010
Reaction score
I am attempting to arise a 318 for beneath the grave... I've had it running with this carb before but it has been awhile... now I cleaned and rebuilt the carb and got it to run for a little while this morning but when it's shut off the carb is dripping fuel into the intake! Thus flooding the engine and making it not start back up. ](*,):dontknow:
Check these things....
1.Trash in float needles holding them open and flooding the engine.
2.Float level too high.
3.Fuel pressure too high
4.High intake manifold heat causing fuel percolation.

Good luck.

Get back to us on the results.
I don't like Eddy carbs. Never had any good experience with them. Had three different Eddy carbs and tried them on my motor. 500 cfm, 600,and 750 all tuned up ready to go. Then I bought a 750 Holley HP carb and son of gun runs great. Might be me but it seems to me the Eddys get really hot compared to Holleys.
Allways use a thick carb gasket with the AFB/AVS carbs. Not the paper thin units.
If it's been setting for a while you may have trash(rust water deteriorating rubber hose exc) causing the seat to not seal in the carb and flood.

I'm not a fan of the eddy carb either, but any 600-750 carb would work fine no mater what brand.
Problem solved, adjusted floats and everything is a-ok! I think when I rebuilt it I may have bent them a little... :p
Good to hear!! Now go stomp on a few F***'s and C****'s!!!!:toothy10:8):toothy10:

Great idea! I had a different target in mind... I'de like to teach these Honda kids a lesson or 2... you know the ones that swap their taillights out, slap a big spoiler on and put a cheapo muffler on to be "cool". Once i'm through with the foreign cars then ill come back and stomp a mud-hole in some F words and C words!
Haha...ha ha..hhh hh hh ha ha...he said "Mudhole!"