help me find this spoiler?



70 Dart Swinger360
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
Rohnert Park, CA

found a picture of this 75 Hang 10 dart sport an loved the spoiler. i showed my buddy (who has a 75 dart sport) an he loved it too

anyone know where i could find it or at least what to call it? is certainly no Go-Wing spoiler but on the 73+ dart sports is looks perfect
Wow, I think Direct Connection used to sell those for Dusters/Darts in the 70`s. I haven`t seen a supplier for those in years.
Check out the car called DustAAR, lots more pictures of that spoiler. I would try eBay, I've seen them selling the fiberglass versions a lot lately. However the original ones were made of ABS plastic. Also those spoilers only fit Dusters, Demon/Dart Sport and only fit the trunk lids with the ridge down the center of it.
I have one that looks similar to where is it???
As I remember they were available only from Direct Connection. Same with the Aspen/Volare variety that .looked similar.
The last time I looked at what they were selling for on ebay, I saw a few of them go for $200-$250 for old DC ones in good condition, but that was a couple years ago. I haven't looked for them recently.
did you ever find one ? I like to get one aswell .if anybody know where please let me know . there was a guy on ebay last year but can't find him now .
tryed the ebay that some one put up earler but the ebay post is to old to find now
There is a duck tail spoiler found on Aspen/Volare/Roadrunner that is very similar to that. It might fit Duster too. I'm not sure. Good luck
It was in the Mopar Performance catalog into the late 90's. Find one of those and get a part number, then have a dealer do a search for it?
found it .a guy in ontario makes them with or without the screw holes .www.showcarsrob just google it he also as alot of fiberglass stuff (full front clips,bumper hood .scopes funny car bodys) check it out.


  • rear wing.jpg
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I seem to remember a huge thread about this not to far back and someone was going to pop some out.
I seem to remember a huge thread about this not to far back and someone was going to pop some out.
Yup and my molds won't turn out how I'd like there is a place mentioned earlier that does them and are the same price as mine were going to be, 150.
It was in the Mopar Performance catalog into the late 90's. Find one of those and get a part number, then have a dealer do a search for it?

Those have been bought up for a long time my buddy bought the last 2 he could find from a dealership back in the mid 90s