Help me pick a beer



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 8, 2006
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on the hill
I would like to try a Canada beer witch one would yall have me try.
I live in Arkansas and will find out what this state offers me :salute:
here is some of the beer I know you have up there.

Witch do you prefer.
I have been told that bud light is weasel pee from a good sores.





Kokanee or Alexander Pale Ale is a good beer Mike. So who made the disgusting comparision between Budweiser and Weasel Piss, I wonder.

Terry :toothy7:
You have chose an excellent research project Mike :thumbup: I haven't seen most of those beers, probably a lot of small breweries that have their own small market in a given province. The two big name domestic beers that are available throughout the country are: Canadian (I saw one of those in your pic) and Labbats Blue (That's what I drink) There's a lot of other smaller companys, Kokanee is a BC beer that's pretty good. These domestic type beers taste basically like your normal American beer, say Budweiser for instance. Then we have a lot of Micro breweries that sell locally, they make a pale ale, somewhat more bitter and darker then the regular. Sleeman's makes some interesting beers too. You should be up here for the annual beer festival, all sorts of different beers to sample, a day well spent :thumbup: I can't wait to get home from work to carry on with my personal research on this wonderful subject :salute: Stay away from light beer, tastes fine but what's the point. We also have some real kick *** beers around 8% if you're in a hurry to get pissed :lol:
I have to agree with Superdart that american beer is something just this side of stump water. LaBlatt`s is a fine Canadian brew, though. My tastes run in the direction of the European beers, most notably the ones that are not imported to the U.S. such as Binding( a fine pislner ), Henninger, and Kutcher Alt.
Of course, for getting really hammered down in a hurry, there is nothing like Sojou, a Korean blend of domestic beer and enbalming fluid! uuummm!!! Goes good with Kagogi and winter kimchee..........
demon seed said:
Kokanee or Alexander Pale Ale is a good beer Mike. So who made the disgusting comparision between Budweiser and Weasel Piss, I wonder.

Terry :toothy7:
demon seed You opened my eyes, and now I will see what I can find Friday that don't have Weasel piss in it

So who made the ing comparision between Budweiser and Weasel Piss, I wonder.

I did not make it HERE but I will own up it thinking that. There is not a single beer from the big 3 Miller/Coors/A/B thats even worth drinking..I wont even drink it for FREE. absolutely Horrid. The MINIMUM beer I consider worth drinking is Sam Adams. I mean Bud is absolute SWILL....Blue Moon is still ok and is a Coors "product" in as much as Coors bought the company that used to prviately make that beer so its still decent..Coors has not ruined it...YET~!
What do you like Memike? it depends on that a lot..I would NOT recomend a dark beer to someone that likes a Pislner type beer and vice versa.


Labatts 50(not just regular Labatts..but thats not horrid at least if you cant find the 50 but out of Labatts stuff 50 is the best)

that La Fin Do Monde is great stuff if you can find it. Unibroue also great stuff.

Also check out some American Craft Beers just about ANYTHING from

Victory brewery
Stone Brewery
Rogue Brewery
Toregs Brewery
Brooklyn Brewery

are all great also.
73DartSport340 said:
The MINIMUM beer I consider worth drinking is Sam Adams.

Samuel Adams is great beer. I have a German heritage (my grandfather was an immigrant) and will tell you that Samuel Adams' beers are very close to German beers as far as body and flavor. Actually Samuel Adams beers' are more consistant in flavor than alot of German or Europian brews. You can get a different slightly different flavor from batch to batch from over the "pond". You guys can say what you want and the taste might not actually be to your liking but North American brewers (United States, Canada, Mexica) have for the amount of beer they brew a very consistant flavor that is second to know one in the world. Flavor after all is flavor and some people have different tastes. If we didn't we would all be driving the same car and drinking the same beer.

I have a open pallet when it comes to beer I have drank Samuel Adam's and it is a fine beer. It is just a little pricey. I do not mind paying for a beer that I can try for the first time and enjoy!!
I am writing these down so I can show them to George at the liquor store.
Thanks and keep them coming
I was in Chicago about 4 years ago and went to a bar and had some dark beer that I did enjoy but I do not remember the name of it.
But I do prefer drinking from a frosted mug when I can.

Has anyone ever tried Guinness I have seen allot on tv about it but never have tried it.

Guinness is my absolute favorite! its not for everyone however. the extra stout especially. but the guinness draught is a fine brew
I have a open pallet when it comes to beer I have drank Samuel Adam's and it is a fine beer. It is just a little pricey. I do not mind paying for a beer that I can try for the first time and enjoy!!
I am writing these down so I can show them to George at the liquor store.
Thanks and keep them coming
I was in Chicago about 4 years ago and went to a bar and had some dark beer that I did enjoy but I do not remember the name of it.
But I do prefer drinking from a frosted mug when I can.

Im not to hot about the frosted mug...guess not so bad for a Pilsner but it ruins the taste of dark beers. And geesh if Sam Adams is pricey you would hate to Price a case of Victory Storm King Imperial Stout..the CHEAPEST ive found that stuff is $43 a case. The Brooklyn Brewery Chocolate is almost as good though and thats just $29 a case...right in that Sam Adams area..I always get the Sam Adams Holiday case(2 12 packs) for Christmas. But next time for a drak beer dont drink it ice cold dont let it get room temp either but drink it slightly cool and you will get all the flavors a frosted mug kills.
And Yes Guinness is excellent..not the best ever or anything but certainly palatable and worthy of drinking. If you like that try Beemish and Sammuel Smiths Stouts(also a english made stout)..Murphys Stout is also good.
memike said:
Has anyone ever tried Guinness I have seen allot on tv about it but never have tried it.

My God Guinness, now there's a beer that'll make your baby's walk backwards, actually I drink Sam Adams when I'm in the states, good beer.

Blue baby, Blue!!!
Any of our beers will probably make the shorties look good(even the fat ones).

Been there, gulp, done that.
As far as beer's and ale's go... it is all a matter of what you perfer personally.

I think that Molson Canadian, LaBatt's and Moosehead are all fine brews from our countries neighbors to the North. But as I said, those are my preferences. I have not had the pleasure of trying any of the Canadian micro brews.

In my sense of taste, Molson Golden is crap. Of the brews available in my area, I really like the Newcastle Brown Ale.

I spent four years living in Holland. There were a lot of good brews there, and Heineken was not the best... not even with the native people there.

Of course, living as close to Germany as I did at the time, there were a whole lot of choices from there as well. I happen to like the "Heffeweisen" beer's a lot. They are the wheat beer's, they are cloudy and sometimes have small bits of grain floating in them... but the taste and body of it is fantastic!

Good luck in your search. Just remember that one persons beer or ale of choice may not be your choice at all!!!

(The Demonator)
73DartSport340 said:
I have a open pallet when it comes to beer I have drank Samuel Adam's and it is a fine beer. It is just a little pricey. I do not mind paying for a beer that I can try for the first time and enjoy!!
I am writing these down so I can show them to George at the liquor store.
Thanks and keep them coming
I was in Chicago about 4 years ago and went to a bar and had some dark beer that I did enjoy but I do not remember the name of it.
But I do prefer drinking from a frosted mug when I can.

Im not to hot about the frosted mug...guess not so bad for a Pilsner but it ruins the taste of dark beers. And geesh if Sam Adams is pricey you would hate to Price a case of Victory Storm King Imperial Stout..the CHEAPEST ive found that stuff is $43 a case. The Brooklyn Brewery Chocolate is almost as good though and thats just $29 a case...right in that Sam Adams area..I always get the Sam Adams Holiday case(2 12 packs) for Christmas. But next time for a drak beer dont drink it ice cold dont let it get room temp either but drink it slightly cool and you will get all the flavors a frosted mug kills.
Thanks for your advice on the temperature of my beer and the site you gave me 73DartSport340 I picked up a 6 pack of moose head and drank it out of the bottle and after the first beer was down
I enjoyed the next 4 !! :thumbup:
I would buy it again but I am still looking for that next great taste.
I drink out of a frosted mug mainly because I would rather drink out of a glass instead of a can or bottle when I can.
Thanks for everyone's input on this thread ! :toothy7:
Cheers to all!! :drinkers:
Oh by all means YES I ALWAYS drink out of a completely CHANGES(for the better) the taste of beer. I just dont drink out of the frosted ones becuase it just kills some of the taste. When I go to a restauran that uses frosted glasses I actually ask them to leave it out(to "defrost :) ) before I get it :). I cant think of the last time I drank a beer out of a bottle..been a REAL long time...and ive not drank a beer out of a can in well...15 years lol...
Growing up out west, I've been able to 'test' most of the offerings from Big Rock. My favorites are Grasshopper(pilsner), and Traditional(ale). I also regularly drink Kokanee,Canadian and MooseHead. That said, I have friends who swear by Pilsner (or Pil for short) and Blue, IMO these are the Budwiesers of Canada.

If you like the frosted mug route, go with Labbats blue. It's not expensive and goes well with a frosty glass. I like it, but everyone likes something different. Have fun expermenting! :drunken: