HELP! Online PayDay loan!

well, while you are at it, could you send me a nah, i do not even know what one is, but seen it on a commercial.lmao

haha! With a pretty smile like that how could I deny you a Chalupa!? That comment about your pretty smile cracked me up!
Oops, looks like you got it handled. Good on your Mom, she sounds like a great woman.
try to get a perssonal loan from bank you deal with the interest is a lot better been there done that and they will break payments up over a year just discuss current deal
let me guess you had $210.00 in the account so they only charged you for 6 and refunded the 5 others you didn't have any money for.

You need to close that account. Don't give the bank an option! Don't worry about opening another account at that bank. Go down the street to another bank if you must have an account.

You also need to get to the payday out fit and make some kind of agreement that lets them know your not trying to stiff them. Maybe offer to pay them with a tax return or xx amount of dollars a week make it as little as possible. Then you need to pay it off a.s.a.p. That has to be a priority. I would pay them before i would pay rent if it was me.

Don't worry about the duster its the last thing you need. I understand your word and all. However we all know its not sold till all the money is in your hand. Someone else will step up and buy that shell if its a good deal. Just let the seller know its not going to be you.

It really pisses me off the bank telling you they can't close the account. If you have .01 cent or more go in and withdraw it and tell them to close that account.

Sorry man hate it when people (banks) take advantage of young people for personal gain.

Thats the kind of stuff moms and dads do and its a noble calling. I am glad things are working out for you and you can land a job.