Help with black out hood treatment



Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Mt. Laurel, NJ
I'm planning on doing a black-out hood on my Dart and was wondering if you guys could give me some advice. I already purchased the paint from PPG but my question related to a clear coat. Does the paint need a clear coat and do they make a flat clear coat?
They make many different flat and semi gloss clear coats. I used a glossy black base with a flat clear on the engine bay of the aspen and it turned out amazing.

I'm planning on doing a black-out hood on my Dart and was wondering if you guys could give me some advice. I already purchased the paint from PPG but my question related to a clear coat. Does the paint need a clear coat and do they make a flat clear coat?
And, Dupont makes a paint just for this application called Hot-Rod Black, it's from there line of Hot Hues.
If the paint you bought is base coat then yes you MUST clearcoat it, there is no UV protection in base so it has zero durability. You can get clear with a flattening agent. The easiest thing would have been to go with the hot rod black as djc suggested
I had my 6 pack hood painted with a flat black and then cleared with a satin finish,i keep it looking good by wiping it down every now and then with Mothers back to black...
I'm planning on doing a black-out hood on my Dart and was wondering if you guys could give me some advice. I already purchased the paint from PPG but my question related to a clear coat. Does the paint need a clear coat and do they make a flat clear coat?

you need to use ppg #2060 flexed and flat clear, wherever you purchase it they should be able to tell you how to mix it. and you mix it with ppg reular clear, like 2021, 2042 etc....