Here's a "funny" ad for diabetics...or maybe NOT



Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2011
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So I was watching the hockey game the other day and this Rybelsus commercial comes on.

Being diabetic, I tend to pay attention to ads about new medications.

Anyhow, I happened to read the fine print about the lab results-

rybelsus B.jpg

Gee, patients who took rybelsus had a lower A1c than those that instead took a sugar pill.
Ya think?

Why the F would they do that?

First, why would you give a diabetic a sugar pill?

Second, that totally violates "scientific method" testing?

It's like saying "patients who used our plaster casts recovered from a broken arm much faster than those we hit in the arm with a hammer".

Third- why didn't they use a different "placebo", and why the F didn't someone in that multi-million dollar company catch any of that.

At the very least, use "placebo" in the text, even if it was sugar.
This is crazy. My eldest is a Type 1. The only time you give them something like this is when they're blood is getting dangerously low as a quick pick me up. It's NOT part of a treatment plan... If it is, find a new doctor, because one that says this is OK, is an idiot.
Some diabetics have low sugar level

All diabetics will have low sugar at some point. It means they are taking too much insulin in the case of a type 1 (or whatever they take to control their blood sugar for a type 2). It's not "supposed" to happen but mistakes are made etc. The better "treatment" is a glucose tablet, or better, a slice of bread since it's a slow acting carb. Sometimes you need the quick boost though.
Diabetic here also, so I kinda pay attn to commercials. Fine print on the commercials is so FINE and quick you never get a chance to get all the info. Just brutal....
That one is hilarious. I've paid more attn to carbs lately and it's made a difference. I previously had somewhat of a mindset that the pills would fix everything. Not the case...
I've paid more attn to carbs lately and it's made a difference. I previously had somewhat of a mindset that the pills would fix everything. Not the case...

Absolutely correct sir, glad you're on a better path.

My biggest pet peeve is when commercials are vague and just say "This pill will treat your diabetes...".. But they don't differentiate between T1 and T2 and T2 variants. .. SO MUCH DISNFORMATION floating around....
Absolutely correct sir, glad you're on a better path.

My biggest pet peeve is when commercials are vague and just say "This pill will treat your diabetes...".. But they don't differentiate between T1 and T2 and T2 variants. .. SO MUCH DISNFORMATION floating around....

the one that gets me everytime is "dont take this medicine if you are allergic to this medicine, or any ingredient of this medicine"
the one that gets me everytime is "dont take this medicine if you are allergic to this medicine, or any ingredient of this medicine"

Yup, or how they fast talking guy at the end says how you could grow a tail.... I want them to have to disclose how many people have actually grown a tail...
69% taking low dose, 77% taking high dose, 31% taking a sugar pill? 177% ???
I understand what they're saying.
The way they say it does have a confusing aspect to it.
But basically they're breaking down 3 groups of 100
Group 1 had a 69% success rate, 31% fail rate =100%
Group 2 had a 77% success rate, 23% fail rate =100%
Group 3 had a 31% success rate, 69% fail rate =100%
It's intended for geeks, written by geeks.
This is an easy breakdown. I've taken courses in quantitative reasoning that would confuse the hell of of a normal guy.
As a type 2 diabetic, That's hilarious.
I understand what they're saying.
The way they say it does have a confusing aspect to it.
But basically they're breaking down 3 groups of 100
Group 1 had a 69% success rate, 31% fail rate =100%
Group 2 had a 77% success rate, 23% fail rate =100%
Group 3 had a 31% success rate, 69% fail rate =100%
It's intended for geeks, written by geeks.
This is an easy breakdown. I've taken courses in quantitative reasoning that would confuse the hell of of a normal guy.
So their drug is only 40% better than giving a diabetic SUGAR?!?
So their drug is only 40% better than giving a diabetic SUGAR?!?
How do you get 40%? (I think I know)
My math comes up to 73% success rate over a sugar pill based on the data presented.
There is also unknown variables that have to be considered.
What was the Xmg dose of sugar v 7mg v 14mg dose of the drug.
Well, i wasnt being precise, since getting the right math answer is raciss, but....
their mild dose had a 69% success rate, the sugar pill had a 31% success rate. Sooo, not quite as good as 40% better.