Hey Adam

onehellofadart said:
Hey Adam, what are the in/out numbers on the top 100
mopar page?

And why does it always tell me "site not updated in 168 hours...." when I try & vote? How do I know when a vote IS accepted?

Huh? Huh? :scratch:
The in number is how many people have voted from this site threw the mopar100 banner.

The out number is how many people have entered this site from the our banner on the Mopar100.

The not updated is because Augie ( The guy who runs the Top100) has it set so you can only vote once every 300 hours. Its to keep people from trying to cheat by voting for there own site by using every computer they can get there hands on.

Say they have access to 10 computers at work or school. they will only be able to vote 10 times in one month instead of 10 times a day, then 10 times the next day. It keeps it alittle more fair.

If you havent roamed around the Top100 site cheeck it out. He has a nice classified section aswell as his own forum now. Plus you guys know one of his moderators. :wink: