Holy Crap!!! Where Did You Come From?



Inland Mopars Car Club
FABO Gold Member
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
North OC, SoCal
Look what I found over the entry to my home this morning!

View attachment P7133521.jpg

I walked out the front door this morning and saw one of these nasty little devils buzzing around. Looked up and.....HOLY CRAP!!! It wasn't there a couple of days ago!

No worries. I waited until dusk tonight, rolled a trash container under it and hit it with some Spectracide Wasp & Hornet Spray. It kills them on contact - live ones and unhatched as well. Most of them simply fell into the trash container, a few held on and died in place. Knocked the nest down into the trash container.
Going to check the rest of the eaves tomorrow for more.
The pic is the colony before I sprayed it.
It's that time of year! I was weed wackin and BAM, BAM, BAM, and man I unassed that weed wacker! They were under the edge wood on my privacy fence. Must have hit me 5 or 6 times before I could get away from them. I had knocked 5 or 6 out from under the roof edges before, never thought they would be out on the fence. I do a lot more looking now!
Don't let PETA find out.
We have started to see them here and yes! It don't take long You did good getting there
main stay area and I am sure you will find more, early cool mornings are a good time to go hunt them down and send them to there grave .. They can not and will not fly if it is ................say about........ 65 degrees . good job ocdart :glasses7:
yea those are pesky ....they like to nest in door jambs ......last year i got stung 6 times when i opened a car door and they were in the jamb.

put me out for awhile because i swelled up at the stings and i had fever....they messed me up for a few days ......so i dont feel sorry anymore when i get the killer spray out on them.
yea those are pesky ....they like to nest in door jambs ......last year i got stung 6 times when i opened a car door and they were in the jamb.

put me out for awhile because i swelled up at the stings and i had fever....they messed me up for a few days ......so i dont feel sorry anymore when i get the killer spray out on them.

I have heard that it is good to get stung at least every other year Rani, know you have a better resistance if you get bit again.. wow 6 hits would be tuff..
I am happy to hear you will not have bad BAD reaction to them now. :cheers:
Wow! They must've been workin' hard on the night shift!

A while back, I found a yellow jacket hole in the ground out in my backyard, and boy!.......those suckers are aggressive and vengeful if they think you're coming near or messing with them! It got to the point that no one wanted to even go out in the backyard. One of them chased me from the backyard, around the house, and all the way to the front. Another stung my dog's lip. At first, me and my sons had some fun doing the "Wile E. Coyote" long PVC pipe to their hole and dropping a lit firecracker into it. LOL Man, that got 'em riled up. Then we tried killing them by stuffing a lit rag into their hole (we actually had to run up to do it really quick) Still didn't quite do the trick. Then I ended up just walking out there @ midnight and giving a good spray with the Black Flag. Next night, did it again. They were done.

Gasoline and match takes care of the ones in the ground. As soon as you light up the gas, it sucks all the oxygen out of the nest and kills them. Also, brake parts cleaner will kill them on contact as well and is usually cheaper than the name brand wasp spray
Gotta watch out for them, the babies are startin to get born,...that makes them a whole lot more aggressive.
Gotta watch out for them, the babies are startin to get born,...that makes them a whole lot more aggressive.

I have found that when u get stung, very quickly, get a cotton ball soaked w/ hyd. peroxide and rub the sting very hard w/ it. the peroxide will kill and try to boil out the poison and the cotton ball will grab the stinger and pull it out if it`s still in u . has always worked for me, the quicker u do it after a sting the better!-------------------bob
My son was mowing the grass just the other day and mowed over a nest, got him about 8 times. Soaked the ground with wasp and hornet killer and it did a pretty good job quickly also. Nasty things they are.
wasps are meat eaters and they can bite and sting more than once.
they have a venom to paralize their victim.
We used to encounter those ground nests all the time, and once they sting you the pheromones will signal their mates to your whereabouts and cause you additional unwanted attention!

Our solution was always to dump a mixture of about 5 gallons of water mixed with diazonon.'we would dump it in at dusk and come back in the morning to find 1000's of bees piled up outside the hole!

I don't know if diazonon is legally for sale anymore, but it sure takes care of the whole ground nests!! Geof
ocdart your nest went undetected for sometime.. Most likely that one was started in the spring by a worker or the queen herself. Once a decent size is made she makes her workers and they take care of the nest... Looks to me that nest was on its 2nd cycle or workers. !!!!

We have these Yellow Jacket Wasps up here in Ontario too... They just love to build nests where the kids play.

I spray raid in my shop vac then go to the nest and suck it up !!!! That has worked for me now for many years... lol

Don't see a lot of inground nests here ...

If you look these wasps up on the net , you will find an interesting read on these creatures
About amonth after I bough my 70 Super Bee (circa 1989/90), I noticed one or two goin into the driver's door/fender gap. No matter what Idid, they always rebuilt the nest. I fianlly just accepted it and figured it must be a "stinging insect" thing and stopped messing with it. They grew to accept me, and diddn't mess with me at all, but did mess with anyone else that approached the car!

A few years ago, my office was in a doublewide with a front a back intrance.
The front intrance was a a general intrtance ino a common office area, but since I am the project manager I got a private office that happened to also have the second intrance.

Anyway, as it happened, a nest got built above the infrequently used "back door".

Those little buggers didn't mess with me at all, but boy did they NOT LIKE anyone else that tried to come up to that door.

I called them my personal attack wasps (or hornets, whatever the were).

Starter fluid knocks em out. Then you can make a wasp kite with a strand of thread.

Freezing them for two minutes also works.
I have been fighting them here in TX also........must have sprayed at least 6 or 8 just yesterday on my patio. There is some thing satisfying watching them drop out of the air..........