Horn help, old aftermarket wheel



Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2008
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I have a Superior 500 wheel, and I think it is missing something to make the horn work correctly. From left to right; the plastic assembly that bolts to the colume with a copper ring and a wire attached, then the chrome bezel that covers it, then the wheel itself, then the piece the wire connects to, it is metal on the side that faces the wheel, and plastic on the front. The 3 screws hold that piece to the wheel but they bottom out leaving the metal/plastic piece free. Then the chrome center cap just clips on.
Now I am thinking there should be a spring or something that holds the metal/plastic piece away from the wheel, and when you push the center it makes contact and- beep.
But there are no marks left by any missing springs, and there really isn't any room for them either in the center or around the 3 bolts, they would just make contact between the 2 parts leaving the horn on all the time.

How do these aftermarket wheels/horns work?




on my old wheel there was a cone shaped spring that fit through the hole off the of the plate with the insulator then the pressure was placed on the actual horn button. the horn button itself is just pushed over that black insulator piece and that holds it in place and up off the other lower plate.
That seems to make sense, so I just need a big spring in the middle, it probably went around the center nut, or possibly was held on by it, and kept pressure on the horn button. The problem with that is the chrome horn button doesn't want to stay on at all, and a spring would keep it off for good. I'll have to get creative.
Wouldn't take much to beep the horn with this setup, a sneeze might be enough.
it just has three little bends ...kinda dimple thingie's to hold it on
it just has three little bends ...kinda dimple thingie's to hold it on
Yep, there are 2 dimples on each 'side' of the chrome horn button.
And of course I have to find the sweet spot to keep it on, but every once in a while it pops off in my lap- with a spring it would never stay on- looks like a job for duct tape? lol
one easy way to make it work good and not fall off is to push the dimples in a bit further then slightly notch the disc to align with the dimples. then once you push it on just rotate it so it locks in good. thats what I did on mine and never had it fall off again.