Hot Mopar Babes III

You’re into Necrophilia…sicko, get yourself some mental healthcare, soon!!!
Little Baby Raggy, here’s a book for you to read…that’s if you’re capable of reading.
Every picture of a girl and a car is getting turned into a, “someone’s grandma”, see about a dozen a day.
I guess if you’re a punk *** kid they’re funny, but a few years past puberty they’re just stupid.
It's just a stupid meme. I'd hate to see when something really upsets you.
It's just a stupid meme. I'd hate to see when something really upsets you.
Once again, because obviously you’re on the slow side, it’s not as much as the stupidity of the meme, it’s the morons that make, share and then defend them that’s bothersome. Moreover, when these stupid memes get called out, the idiots then get butthurt, go into keyboard warrior attack mode. But…malcontent immature tolls have no shame in their game and in some bizarre way take pride in looking foolish.
Once again, because obviously you’re on the slow side, it’s not as much as the stupidity of the meme, it’s the morons that make, share and then defend them that’s bothersome. Moreover, when these stupid memes get called out, the idiots then get butthurt, go into keyboard warrior attack mode. But…malcontent immature tolls have no shame in their game and in some bizarre way take pride in looking foolish.
I guess you're just another one who can have an opinion, but God forbid anyone else have one. You're the one on the slow side, grow the hell up or just keep calling folks names, it shows what you are really made of.
Well, I like lookin at the "real" vintage gal pictures like that. I guess because I'm heterosexual. I don't really give a damn what the meme says. I like female tits and ***. Sorry you don't.
I didn't even care what her T shirt said, until someone stated that it said Trump. I wasn't exactly focusing on the letters.