HOT MOPAR DOGS show off your dog or if you dont have dog get one

Yes, that little plastic ball is a product that I mold intended to stop dogs from digging under the fence called The Oleballnchain (hence my user name). It's a pet product business I run on the side and it works really well. Guido is really my dog, adopted from the humane society and he actually loves the "ball" and knows that word, because it gives him the chance to run around the yard and explore without getting out of the yard. Funny how good dogs are at association, he knows "mail" "treat" "walk" "speak" and "ball" about the same but I have yet to decode one of his barks. Great dog, I would really strongly recommend adopting from the shelter if you get the chance.
No offense intended, I'm just trying to understand. If your dog is so smart, how come he can't be trained to not dig in your back yard?? My dog did it a couple of times. I walked her over to the spot, showed it to her, swatted her on the nose and said bad girl. Done.
This is the same guy in post #6. My how time flys.


Ready for service..........

Here is our Fox Red Labrador named "Hank". He is about 9-10 months old in this pic. He is almost 3 years old now and much thicker.... NIce way of calling him a fatass... LoL...


this is him as we sat sunday and watch the redskins get the crap beat out of them


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Here's our Westie Sammy. Currently 3 1/2 years old. He doesn't seem to like my Duster though, runs for the hills whenever I fire it up.


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