

How the hell did I get this old..
Jul 9, 2004
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right here ...see me I'm waving.. NY
Buffalo NY 94* are you crazy.. come on, we deal with snow but this heat is nuts. A week of high 80's into the 90's again this week.
Sold a car to a guy in Kuwait last month where it was 109*. Asked him how they deal with the heat. He said they stay inside. I said that's the best you got , I thought you guys would have some secret to deal with heat. Stay inside HA!
York PA. 2:30 this afternoon

3PM in the N end of Idaho it was SIXTY ONE F!!


The nightly "news" reported that our local ski hill, Schweitzer mt, had SNOW

Been mid to upper 90's here. Got a little relief yesterday, so I mowed. Was talking to my neighbor yesterday, how we use to put up hay in this heat when we were young, and now can't hardly stand to be outside in it. The older I get, the less I can tolerate it.
It's that dang Gorbal Warming, I tell ya!!! :rolleyes: :realcrazy:
Otherwise known as “Summer”...

Do you know what the 3 sure signs of Global warming are?

1. The temperature rises.

2. The temperature falls.

3. The temperature remains the same.

Pick your season, and if any of those 3’s Global warming!

I live in Ohio.
We get hotter than the hinges of hell, monsoons, snow, and arctic temps.
That's usually a normal Tuesday.
95 degrees here with 95% humidity! Makes it real hard to do any work.
yeah, and it`s far worse than 109 to 118 w/o humidity too! Haved lived in both .
Hot here today at my house..around 120 with the heat index.
