house septic help!

Friend of mine had to have a new system put in last year because of trees and roots finally took it's toll. The installer used the non gravel type system(pipe with styrofoam) and this year my friends system is backing up. He is having his new beautiful Zoysia grass moved so the work can begin. He's not a happy camper.
The vaults I am planning on using are these black plastic tunnels. Talked to a local septic designer and he said that he uses them in pretty much every system he designs and has yet to have any troubles.....


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the lid is dug up right now bcoz i had it pumped two weeks ago ........and in just two weeks the tank is full of water.........the other day it snowed and after the snow melted the tank overfilled through the lid.......

Water entering at that rate will overwhelm such a small leach line. Get that lid sealed up. At this point, the line may be clogged. Clean out the line if it is in fact clogged & conserve on you water usage until the leach bed drys out a bit.
Don't 'ya hate it when chit rolls uphill..........:cussing: :pottytra:

Looks like you've gotten some great info here already. I think I'd dig & check out the pipe you mention in post #9
Rani, sounds like you have a joint come loose or a blockage. I would start digging at the lower end of the dark grass and see where the liquid gets too. May be as simple as where the 4" pipe goes into the larger septic field. Also the field should be installed level so the water can build up over the entire field and leach out. May have not been installed level. We use a lot of chambers in Ala that are half mooned shape with bottom open. The trench needs to be dug not widered than the chambers will fit into so that the hard sides of ditch will keep them from spreading out and collasping. Being you are in the country you could probably just add some footage if needed. If they are this type you can lay them beside the other and cut hole into sides and connect them with 4" pipe. Hope this helps. Let us know and I am sure some uf us can help you save some money. That amount would get you an entire system put in but you don't need another tank, Joe
Here are a few pictures of basic septic systems so you get an idea how
they work. One has built in baffles and the other uses pipe for baffles.

From one of your posts it sound as though you have an infiltration problem
with your tank which also needs to be taken care of. Your drain field may also be over saturated. They do tend to deteriorate after time. Yours appears to be 38 years old according to the inspection sheet you posted.

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On a lighter side, maybe you need these guys?