How Accurate is Camquest?

right is going to make a gain probably but how much do you really think it will make ? If they heads dont flow anything more past .500" then .521 isnt going to make more power. So all your gain is going to be from the valve opening faster not from it opening higher.
ooo i gotchya now... wont payoff right now becasue the heads dont flow for them, but when i have them worked on they should help a little more
10.7 but if i ran .28 gaskets i can run 11.1 and still run 89 octane becasue dave is running 10.6 on 87 or 89, i dont remember

Dave is running 89.

You'll never get an iron 11-1 closed chambered Magnum head engine running on what you think you can.
That's odd. I don't have any problem changing the stroke. I just tried it again to make sure and it works fine here. Did you type in the stroke length and hit enter? That's how I did it.

It worked this time. Don't know what I did wrong before, but it always defaulted back. This time it was different.