How could this happen?

I really dont know what is up with these wacked out mothers that do this horrific crap. I personally think that the same treatment should be done to her. But worse.
Just looking in those eyes says something's not right upstairs.

Police make arrest May 21: New Mexico police say the mother of a 3-year-old boy found buried at a playground told authorities she did not want him growing up with "no one to love him."

I can't believe some people. LADY! if you don't want your son give him some family that does. There are many of couples out there that want kids that can't have them. Lord help us!
I wish everybody would remember that we emptied out our mental hospitals 30 years ago. Most of these whackos were discovered and incarcerated long before they injured themselves or others in the past.
I will take everyone's word for it,,.
Just looking in those eyes says something's not right upstairs.

Police make arrest May 21: New Mexico police say the mother of a 3-year-old boy found buried at a playground told authorities she did not want him growing up with "no one to love him."

"The police chief said Toribio told detectives that she suffocated her son in Alvarado Park before dawn on May 13 by putting her hand over his mouth and nose. She said she had second thoughts and performed CPR on the boy, resuscitating him, but reconsidered and smothered him again. Investigators said she then buried him under the climbing gym's hanging bridge, where the body was found two days later."

Jesus Christ! skip the trial and do the same to her, don't waste the money of housing her and a trial.
do her the same way but 100x over. then put her in a room with moms and dads that lost thier childred. then smother her *** to death.
I can't even comment on how horrible this is..... The kid didn't even get a chance.
i feel very sorry for her to be living in such desperation while our prez sits at the dinner table eating 100 dollar steaks. billions for pakistan while our own are homeless
Very tragic. The main problem is they let anybody have children. There's no license you have to get. You have to get educated and/or licensed to drive a car or get married, but to procreate all you have to do is screw? We wonder why soceity is going down hill, there's your sign. The welfare system is fueling this downward spiral. Look at octomouch she's cashing in big time from the state and is unstable. This is a sad story but this happens alot. Remember Susan Smith? Drove her two little boys into a lake in 1994. There a guy here in Pinellas County who threw his girlfriends baby out a moving car window. This is a very sad place we live in and God bless and the young and innocent who still have to grow up in this world.
They have her on suicide watch because she tried to take her own life after the confession. I suggest a little privacy for her and maybe we could rid the world of a merciless killer without putting another burden on the tax payers.