How did this happen !

I would say that its a White Oak judging by the leaves and the bark. I think that years ago a limb had fallen most of the way down but stayed attached to the main trunk. Over the years that main stem calloused around the fallen limb. Eventually the end of the fallen limb had rotted off leaving just the stub, or "pecker" that everyone is seeing.
What the hell are you people smoking ? Mike you have to much time on your hands. He He . Nerver did get those slabs . Ya still fishing ? We have ICE on the water here .
Mike you have to much time on your hands Quote by 1964 hippo.8)
You got that right :-D I sometimes have to find something to do to keep
me busy and put my pains behind me, I wish I lived closer to Small Block.
He has a great place to stay busy and happy doing something at your own pace. I am very blest to have a country side and a good fishing hole close by and not have to drive to get there. The tree is like 71DartGuy said.
I believe it is a white oak and he has a good perspective of the question I asked about the tree.:-D

At one time it was a elbow 71DartGuy and the arm and had was broken off
a few years ago, That is why the bark is hanging it there real good still.
Thank you for enjoying this picture and thread everyone.
If this was a contest you would have won 71DartGuy .:-D

I enjoy a camera and a fishing pole, and the stranded side arm.
How about a Dancing tree? Memike, maybe this could help out your tree with the "drooping" problem? :toothy10:

OK, who has been looking for the knothole in that dancing tree?
Looks like pick your own prick is in season :toothy10: