How do I break / defeat column lock= no key, 74 Scamp



Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2010
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Well I HAD the key. The one key. And now I don't know. May have dropped it in the snow last winter. Anyhow "I think" I found a guy to repair/ replace the roof damage and now I can't find "the" key. How do I break the column lock, without too much collateral damage?

I wasn't a car thief, I don't know these things LOLOL
Well I HAD the key. The one key. And now I don't know. May have dropped it in the snow last winter. Anyhow "I think" I found a guy to repair/ replace the roof damage and now I can't find "the" key. How do I break the column lock, without too much collateral damage?

I wasn't a car thief, I don't know these things LOLOL
You don't have an old-school locksmith around somewhere that can make you a key?
Pull steering wheel,remove lock plate and signal switch. Remove retaining pin and slide lock out. then knock out the tumblers and use any mopar key you have handy!
I had an uncle that was a locksmith I worked for in high school. Late 70's. He could be in any Chrysler product with a blank key, pair of vice grips and round file in about 10 minutes. LOL
Well I HAD the key. The one key. And now I don't know. May have dropped it in the snow last winter. Anyhow "I think" I found a guy to repair/ replace the roof damage and now I can't find "the" key. How do I break the column lock, without too much collateral damage?

I wasn't a car thief, I don't know these things LOLOL

Good deal, but carnage and destruction seems to be the word of the day lately!
The old school steal-this-car method is screw in as big a sheet metal screw/bolt as possible into the key slot and use a slide hammer to pull the cylinder. There may be some collateral damage to deal with however.
SO "WHERE" does the poor black car fit in "all this"?
stick a flat blade screwdriver between the column and tumbler and give it a twist. It pops right out, broken of course. Now your key works in the switch itself. Super ghetto but probably will work on a mopar
Why not just pull out one of the door locks and take it to a locksmith. Then he can cut you a key that will work.
Why not just pull out one of the door locks and take it to a locksmith. Then he can cut you a key that will work.
This is probably the easiest thing to do, that way all the keys would still be the same.
Unless their is a mobile locksmith in your area.
Why not just pull out one of the door locks and take it to a locksmith. Then he can cut you a key that will work.
The ignition lock had been replaced. Door locks don't match ignition
Thanks for all, all!!! FOUND THE KEY!!!

I have a (lack of better word) "master" box I toss all my "personal junk" that is not in my pants every day. Pulled out the furniture and box around it in the corner, and there it was, "down in the darkness." I'll darn sure try for a spare coming up, and those keys will migrate to the "big ring" for now......harder to lose LOLOL
Glad you found it, make a spare.
I mis-placed the keys to our camper last week, looked everywhere for it.
I found it the other day, I have a stack of masking tape on the shelf above my workbench, how they ended up there is beyond me but I found them.
Way better than plan B, send the little granddaughter threw the storage compartment, and her unlock the door, then send the buddy who is locksmith to make keys.
Well I got it running...sort of....sounds good but carb is AFU and no accel pump. So prime it to start. Emergency brake works enough to "ease it around" (move it) but the main brakes are on the floor. Got it moved under the carport. "The new bodyman" is sposed to come down Sat and take a look. If we hammer down a deal, I'll trailer it up to Sandpoint in a week or three

BAD news: Just like I thought: Cut into the vinyl top. There are holes rusted through the roof all along the top near the windshield, on both C pillars big holes, and under the rear window.

I did not remove the top, for what little weather protection it provides until "the fix"