How do you approach a build?



Scamp Tramp
Jan 13, 2009
Reaction score
Fort Dodge Iowa
I have a 72 Scamp Ive been wrenching on for about a month. With so much that needs done its tough to focus and get one part done before I move on. The drive train is waiting while I get the body whipped into shape.

How do you approach a build? What areas are first up for your attention? Also is there anything in the code book that says I have to refinish every nut and bolt and everything inbetween?
I always let the build lead me, I'm the same way, I jump all over the place on a build, engine to body work to the interior, and back, but I find I get more done with the car running, as it's hard for me to get motivated on a car that sits in the garage for years, like my scamp did, so I put the engine together and got it running, and I work on it everyday now, I still have a ways to go, but after it sitting in the garage for 7 years, wit little being done, it's coming together now, good luck with your project.

I think about it a lot long before I start. Have a look at my thread in the forced induction forum. The final product won't be done for at least a year and I am planning it now. Get a plan together and stick to it, that's what works for me.

I to like to have the car running for mobility(turning the car around)while working on certain areas.Then I attack the worst part of the car,wether it be body,interior,underbody(rust).I like to stick to one area that needs work til completed.Good luck.
I build it in my head before I jump on the car.. I don't like having to much stuff torn apart at one time, for one I don't have a garage and two, my memory sux.... I collect engine parts as I find them, I focus on the body and rollin' chassis, if god forbid and I got hard up and had to sell it, I would be in better shape having a roller to sale then trying to get 2 or 3K out of an engine on a stand...
step one, budget
step two, goals - cruiser, drag race, touring, etc
step three, build... from the ground up.
Thanks see I could have got this running first but thought that once running I wouldnt fix what needed to be fixed. I grew up around cars and with my old man it was like once it was running he was fine with it. But I want something that looks and runs good. Which is why I didnt get the drive train done first. He had so many unfinished projects when I was a kid. I know there are many reasons for that. But I told myself when I got this car I wouldnt do that. It needs floors lower rear quarters but the rest is in decent shape.
step one, budget
step two, goals - cruiser, drag race, touring, etc
step three, build... from the ground up.
Step 2 1/2.....gather all the parts you need for the build before you tear it down.
Step 2 3/4.....figure out who is going to do the work that you aren't/can't do and get prices.
Step 4.....get a second job to pay for it all!
1 - I figure out what exactly the car is going to be used for.
2 - I figure out how fast I want to go
3 - I then figure out what grade gas I want to be using and its availability. Gas these days have a big impact on your driving habits as well as the octane needed for your particular situation.
After the above I twirl it around in my head seeing if it is going to make sense and if my pockets can handle it
Step 2 1/2.....gather all the parts you need for the build before you tear it down.
Step 2 3/4.....figure out who is going to do the work that you aren't/can't do and get prices.
Step 4.....get a second job to pay for it all!

Ive been gathering parts for about a year and a half.

I plan to do most the work myself. Except for machine work.

I have a second job already that money goes specifically towards the car.
I seem to jump all over the place, too. I have lots of "projects within a project" going on and very little actually completed. This gets very discouraging after a while because it seems like I'm not making much overall progress.

I've found it helpful to have someone to keep me in check when I get sidetracked. My friend Paul is great at this. He's helped me to concentrate on one area of the car. Now that my trunk floor, mini tubs, fuel tank are done, it's one less thing (actually, three!) off my mind, I feel like I accomplished something which in turn encourages me to tackle the next area.
I have a plan in place. It will be a street drivin car.

72 Scamp, .030 440 pretty warmed over, 727, Cut down truck dana 60. Peiced together interior. Home made door panels, trim to fit carpet, recovered dash pad. Mini tubbed with a set of cragars. Petty blue in color with a custom spray job (ME my first time but have helpers who have done it lol)