How do you delete conversations?

Select the conversation you want to delete, click on 'Leave Conversation'.
Click on your inbox tab next to your name (upper right). Choose the conversation you want to delete and click on the box to the left of the title. then follow the options. tmm
Dang, Bruce beat me to it!
Is there a limit to how many you can have saved??? Do gold members get 1000 conversations???
As a Gold Member, I use the ability to post a pic in a conversation and love that feature! It seems I can only post 1 pic at a time - would that be correct and if not, how do you post multiple pics?
As a Gold Member, I use the ability to post a pic in a conversation and love that feature! It seems I can only post 1 pic at a time - would that be correct and if not, how do you post multiple pics?

you just keep adding them, just like a thread