how does this pattern work



Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
southwestern, Ontario
Been tinkering on this rear diff for a few days now :banghead:

3.55 with sure grip ... how does the pattern look?






You could run it like that and it might be alright.

To me it looks a bit shallow on the pinion depth-
WHY- Look at the sharp line and the heavy depression and dry area where the marking compound was rubbed away on the drive side (concave side) it is a bit higher on the gear face.
Drive side seems that way also in the last 2 photos. The first photo seems better...Is this the start and then you did more turn later and took some more?? Jim

Like I said the first 2 pictures is more where you want the pattern to be and look like the second to are deteriorating to the high side of the gear SO you need to move the pinion up and in the with about .002. YES it seem anal BUT I have to do this and people PAY.

All in All you can run this and you will probably be ok. :) JIm

P.S. Try to load the pinion or vise verse have a rag wedged against the ring gear outer edge pushing down creating resistance and twist the pinion around making more pressure between the teeth when it spins that will get you a more true reading of what the car weight is going to do to the pattern after 3000+ pounds and 300-500 foot lbs of torque hits. lol. Really this will help make make the pattern show better for you.

Wishing you the best on your set-up. Jim
What kind fo gears are they? If they are a 2 step gear that pattern may be as good as you will get on the pattern.

If they are I would run it as the coast side looks pretty good. Jim


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Yes - MAny companies will do this with gear sets. It is nice to know what type of gear we are dealing with as some are a 5 cut process gear and some are 2 step process gear. The gear you have appears to have a 2 step process cut making the drive side pattern LOOK like it does. Kind of a diagonal pattern. IF that is the case I would leave it alone.

The other guy that said yto move it .020 I think you might have wanted to put .002 ??? Correct? Cause if you put 20 thousands your pattern will be SO deep it will not work. 2 thousands could work BUT for me the coast side (concave side) works the convex siude (drive side) Could maybe use that .002 if it were a standard 5 cut process gear Where the pattern is like a bullet oval shape.

Like I said before it appears they you could run that pattern.

What was the shim? Did you try the original first? Also WHAT is your back lash... Try adjusting the backlash tighter or looser if you are in the .007 range.

Backlash is the distance slap between the ring and pinion gear mesh coast to drive side rock. :) JIm
i used the same thickness of shim that was in the case before.
At the moment i forget what my backlash is.

I am going to have to go and finish this off now. As i have been on light duty work for the last few months and cant really manage to pick this chunk up to work on it.