How Does Your Animal Show Affection?

Hugs and kisses to my wife.


Classic, sitting on the couch with mom is prime real estate! Good to know we aren’t the only ones that keep the Binos out and on the table. We have been watching a bobcat work our lower pasture here lately. I think he found a vole colony cuz he is bouncing like a spring for hours!
Dinky has fetched three different objects for me a total of six times.

I count as a "fetch" if she brings it back at least three times.

The first few times, she initiated it. The last time, I did.

I've wanted a fetching cat for about 30 years.
Who'd have thought the little runt I thought was going to be developmentally disabled turned out to be one?


What do you disagree with?
Freddy is one of the most unique dogs I’ve known. He’s incredibly smart and affectionate, and one of his quirks is that he stuffs his face into your tummy or chest or crotch, just like an ostrich. That is how he shows his affection.

Briza, my 17lb orange tabby climbs on my lap and grooms my beard. I don't like this trick.

Valas, my 6.5lb tuxedo considers me an acceptable cushion for napping.
Yeah, that crotch rooting is sweet, but.....uh.....can be.....uh... uncomfortable.....
My black cat Susu (pretty sure she's a Bombay) is a chatterbox, she'll talk your ear off. Every day when I get home from work I can hear her meowing through the door as I unlock it and when I open it she's sitting right there, then immediately runs over and scratches her scratching post. All while still meowing lol. She also loves to cuddle whether sitting on my lap, being picked up and held, laying up against me in my bed, or flopping on the floor for belly rubs and a kitty massage. Definitely one of if not the most affectionate cat I've ever met.

I've had her about 11 years now and not a single time has she ever hissed at me or tried to bite me in a non-playful way. I consider myself fortunate, I am a "cat person" but a lot of cats are just straight assholes. I couldn't own a cat that wasn't cool with being pet and held regularly.
I keep threatening mine that I am going to trade her in for a gold fish! Apparently she does not believe me. We are looking at a new pair of pups but just not sure yet. We may wait a couple of months. We like the European straight back versions. But in the end I am just a sucker for a GSD long hair, short hair, tall, short or fat. Tan black or brindle. They steal my heart. Ours is getting very white muzzled and her jumper is broke. She is well North of ten years and has been my constant companion for every bit of that.
I keep threatening mine that I am going to trade her in for a gold fish! Apparently she does not believe me. We are looking at a new pair of pups but just not sure yet. We may wait a couple of months. We like the European straight back versions. But in the end I am just a sucker for a GSD long hair, short hair, tall, short or fat. Tan black or brindle. They steal my heart. Ours is getting very white muzzled and her jumper is broke. She is well North of ten years and has been my constant companion for every bit of that.
My all-black girl (Mopar, see avatar) is five, and gonna die chasing a ball some day.
My long hair black and red (Hemi) is a lover, but unfortunately also a barker, and he's teaching the pups bad things.
The pups are both black and reds, seven months and five months. The older, Magnum hasn't got his ears up yet, coarse sorta short hair, the young pup does, he's Cuda. Cuda is just fluffy, don't know if he's long or short hair. Gonna be a big boy though. 50 lbs at the vet today,
My all-black girl (Mopar, see avatar) is five, and gonna die chasing a ball some day.
My long hair black and red (Hemi) is a lover, but unfortunately also a barker, and he's teaching the pups bad things.
The pups are both black and reds, seven months and five months. The older, Magnum hasn't got his ears up yet, coarse sorta short hair, the young pup does, he's Cuda. Cuda is just fluffy, don't know if he's long or short hair. Gonna be a big boy though. 50 lbs at the vet today,
Cuda is a heart breaker!
I’ve always loved critters of all kinds. My parents were Himalayan cat breeders, and at one time we had 33 cats, 5 Mamas, 2 dads, and a boat load of kittens. Over the years I’ve had a lot of cool cats, BC Clyde was a little kitten living in a pile of pallets when I took him in, he likes to suck on the corner of the pillow at night, so I called him baby cat. Precious was a very social cat, when I walked up to the park in town to meet with my friends, she would come along and socialize with all of the groups of people. My good old boy Sinbad would sit on the chair and wait for me to go to bed, follow me around, climb in bed and insisted I lift the covers so he could go all the way down to my feet and come back up to lay next to me. We have 2 sisters now, Whiskey and Mia who are inseparable. They do the bathroom thing every morning, and have to sleep in a tent we put up on the couch. Our 3rd cat was my FIL’s cat, she is a belligerent little blotch, love to get brushed, but will hiss and whack you if she’s had enough. All very affectionate. Then there’s the dog…..she’s all mine, loves to do anything I do, hogs the bed, insists on tummy rubs, dies from lack of love several times a day, and comes up and just rests her chin on my leg and stares at me until she gets what she wants. Every critter is different in a wonderful way, don’t even get me started with all of the horses at the barn.


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My cat, Tater, is an odd duck. He doesn't want to sit on my lap unless I'm on the couch with the recliner up. Nowhere else. He will however, sit in the chair next to mine at the kitchen table and present
himself - complete with head butts and paw whacks - for a thorough rub down. If I take a nap stretched out on the couch he will come snooze on my belly. That's why I stay overweight, so he has a soft cushy pillow to sleep on. :rolleyes:


Charlie, my older rescue, does the nose flip thing. There's nothing like a cold wet nose in your armpit to get your attention. She is about the happiest dog on the planet. Deaf as a stump but still having a good time. It's kitten-sniffing time!


Then there is the new dog, Dixie. She is a Great Pyrenees rescue. When she wants attention she will wander over and sit there, giving you the "look". Once you start giving her the rub down, if you stop she will reach out with a paw to remind you she's still there, and could use more rubs.

My daughter’s cat gives you a little headbuttt when he wants attention.
My dogs all have their own unique ways of showing affection, they will all snuggle on the couch with my wife, typically taking turns.
The oldest, Charlie, loves to be beside me when I'm in the recliner and will rest his head on the arm until I pet him, then slowly sink to the floor. if I stop, he will sit up and give me the look, like why did you stop? He has recently started sleeping on the bed at night, but will stay at the foot, taking as little space as he can, no easy feat for a 90 lb Husky/Shepherd mix. He's always been an "independent thinker" as we call it, but has become more and more affectionate with age.
Our girl Olive is a real sweetie, a 65 lb Shepherd/Husky mix, she will snuggle anytime, anywhere, often jumping on the bed while I'm getting dressed, she will muss the blankets until I sit down and and pet her, or give her a belly rub. She loves to fetch, and will chase the ball until her tongue is dragging on the ground. She climbs on my recliner and lays beside me whenever one of the others is occupying the couch.
Then there's Izzy, we got him about 6 weeks ago, and he was already 42 lbs two weeks ago when he went for his last round of vaccines at 4 months. His breed is unclear, but we believe he has some Malinois/Shepherd, and possibly Labrador. He will push his way through the others looking for attention, lays on my feet when I'm having breakfast, and will gladly jump on my recliner to lick my face, he has learned to climb up on the bed just this weekend, so he follows Olive anytime she gets up, 'cause he doesn't want to miss out on any attention.