how many here from MN

You should have no problem making it to Mopars in the Park May 31 - June 2!
Hmmmm! No Classification for A-Body Chryslers, I see (link). So if I can get Bazza and his VG down to Stillwater, I wonder where they would put his car. In '17 (I think) in Farmington they had him in with the Dodges.

(Hehe! He could be in a One-Car Class, say "150", and win an award!)

Just make sure you put it in Stock A body Plymouth or Dodge and you’ll be in good company
Just make sure you put it in Stock A body Plymouth or Dodge and you’ll be in good company
Sounds good!

I'm trying to get him fired-up about getting his car out next year, but he's still in a wheelchair, and that's got his spirit down a bit. Maybe if I send him a reminder....

Once you park the car put your own sign with the car specs, and tell your friend we’re looking forward to meeting him and his car
Once you park the car put your own sign with the car specs, and tell your friend we’re looking forward to meeting him and his car
Will do! Pretty sure I have a picture of his card/sign from the Farmington show in my Intro thread, but I can't seem to find that right now. Regardless, most likely he'll just recycle that one, as I found it in the car when I was working on it.

Hope like heck I can get him to go!
