how many here stop drinking

Navy made me quit. But I am out now and back to drinking. Cut back a lot though. Nothing like before.
I quit Oct 2000 and soooo glad I did. Alcohol sucks. Guess I didn't want to tell my kids not to do something I was doing. I have a short fuse but I think it get's shorter with age. lol
I have a cold BL going now and will have a shot of Tequila after dinner.
I eat good food, lot's of greens and fruit and can go with out drinking for months at a time.
When I go shoot pool a bottle of beer last's me about an hour.
I see people that don't drink and drink and drink Mountain Dew and other drinks and I know they are very bad on anyone's system... Water is good beer is better at times.
I really never drank more then 20 beers a week in my life because of work and driving or music responsibilities 8)
Now it make me a happier fellow after two cold ones or three :flower:
The better eating habits the more I can drink.. Yall know I like my frosted mug or cherry duster, To much of anything is bad for anyone 8)

Good thread to think about :read2: I am getting older :iconbigg:


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I have a cold BL going now and will have a shot of Tequila after dinner.
I eat good food, lot's of greens and fruit and can go with out drinking for months at a time.
When I go shoot pool a bottle of beer last's me about an hour.
I see people that don't drink and drink and drink Mountain Dew and other drinks and I know they are very bad on anyone's system... Water is good beer is better at times.
I really never drank more then 20 beers a week in my life because of work and driving or music responsibilities 8)
Now it make me a happier fellow after two cold ones or three :flower:
The better eating habits the more I can drink.. Yall know I like my frosted mug or cherry duster, To much of anything is bad for anyone 8)

Good thread to think about :read2: I am getting older :iconbigg:

Dang it Mike!!

I had one of those days today and I used to love taking shots of Tequila!!!

That picture looks very good right now.
You're a bad influence on us alcoholics!!! LOL
I stopped late 1985 heavy drinking and have a one beer every few years and I don't miss it at all.
Quit March 9,2005.Saved my life,best thing I ever did besides marrying my lovely wife of 35yrs.
i quit about three months ago. i wasted a lot of time out in the garage. i would start a project and get half way into it and would sit and drink til i couldn t hardly walk. one night i had a sore throat so i had a couple shots of vodka.....i woke up the next morning and the whole bottle was gone. my wife said i was doing all kinds of stupid ****. i wish she would have recorded it. i ve done all kinds of crazy things when i was drunk. i m sure i ll probably drink again someday, but i wanna get away from it long enough to get a handle on it and not fall back into my bad habits. good luck to all of you who are trying to quit.
i stopped at the age of 28 i had puked in my sleep and woke up in puke
my mom was a drunk she choked on her vomit 1 nite drunk if that was not a sign
for me than i am blind i dont get wild drunk anymore but will have a beer
I quit drinking this year as my new year resolution.Next year going to quit smoking.
I quit smoking for two months in the past and smoked only when I was drinking,so basically I was drunk for 2 months....
i quit 3 months ago when my best friend said he was quitting but i have a hot temper anyway, i don have an anger problem i have an idiot problem
I totally agree!
As far a my temper,I am ill tempered to begin with.... and the average customer can be on my nerves but I do not think drinking makes it any better.
The older I get the less patience I HAVE.
I have saved a lot of money by quitting and to tell you the truth the money is going into my mopars and keeping me busy working on them.No time to just bullsh*t with my neighbors and drinking my beer , they all want a car like mine but will not get off their behind and build one.
Now watch out when I quit temper will be on the very edge.
Have an occasional beer/hot buttered rum or shot. Used to drink alot. Think if I were to try and drink like that again I would end up in a box 6 feet under.....
Well fellows I know that I'm a alcoholic. No ifs, ands or buts. I know a few things about building muscle cars to be dangerous, carpentry, motorcycles, but I do know a lot about drinking, trying to quit with failed results, jail, drugs, DUIs, etc.... If anyone would like to talk just give me a PM.... I need YOUR help just as much as you might need mine. Helping others is what helps me stay sober.
Been about 8 years since my last drink. I poured myself a drink, looked at it and poured it out. Disgusting what my life had become. In regards to the OP I'll tell you that life still comes at you showing its teeth. We need to learn a new way to deal with things instead of running and hiding inside a bottle.
I quit in 2001. I was becoming more irritable from the drinking. As I get older I have less and less patience for stupid people and drinking makes it worse. I still have a beer sometimes when we go out to eat or if we're at a social event but rarely more than two at a sitting. I can't remember the last time I had beer in the fridge. I just don't need it and the expense. Now my biggest vice is project cars. I want to fix them all but can't stay focused long enough to finish one.
After reading through this thread I commend you all who have conquered this demon. I need to and have tried somewhat but I guess I am not ready yet, if that makes sense. I have cut back at times, but make up for it as soon as I open that first beer. 95% of my drinking is done at home when I am projecting either in the garage or around the house. Problem is after a couple beers you start staring at you work instead of doing more.......hard to work with one hand.
Well gentlemen,I was boozing it up way too often. Never got in trouble, I'm a friendly drunk and usually drink at home so I've been very lucky not to have ever gotten a DUI. When my GF pointed out I was drinking 2 - 1.75's of Jack Daniels a week ($80.00) I realized I had a problem. I wasn't an alcoholic just a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings (ha ha).
Now days I limit myself to just wine in the evening, not even the good stuff, just the box stuff. Whether ya admit it or not we all have demons to address. Best wishes to all that are addressing thiers.

Well gentlemen,I was boozing it up way too often. Never got in trouble, I'm a friendly drunk and usually drink at home so I've been very lucky not to have ever gotten a DUI. When my GF pointed out I was drinking 2 - 1.75's of Jack Daniels a week ($80.00) I realized I had a problem. I wasn't an alcoholic just a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings (ha ha).
Now days I limit myself to just wine in the evening, not even the good stuff, just the box stuff. Whether ya admit it or not we all have demons to address. Best wishes to all that are addressing thiers.

I quit a little over 13 years ago as my drinking led to doing drugs like crack and a lot of pot smoking. Im very lucky to have not been caught drinking and driving,doing the drugs and going to jail and all I lost was about $7000 of a bank account. Im also lucky to have a great family structure like my wife, Brother Cosgig and parents who helped keep me from re-lapsing. The way I look at it is I did that stuff for 21 years so I'll try 21 sober and go from there. When you quit you find a lot more time to do the things you love like working on the cars and just being a normal person again. Although I am not a counsler I would accept giving any help I could to someone who might need someone to talk to. If you want to be sober you can!!! Greg
My sobriety date is Dec. 28, 1990, I chose not to drink today. Everyone gets mad, I just don't drink at them.
From 12-15 vodka tonics a day to zero in 2003. Don't miss it at all. Now I'll have Busch N/A (tastes fine after you start) and a coors light if we go out to dinner. But I can't quit the damn cigars.............
I still smoke cigarettes ; and , when someone asks me about quitting , this is the response I have for them :

" If I kick-out all of my devils , my angels will leave "

There are times when I wish that I could quit . Problem is , I don't want to quit completely !
Morning coffee , after lunch and after dinner , a Marlboro Red tastes so damned good !
Those are the times when I'd miss it .:angry6:
Also , work stresses me out so incredibly much , that I go through a pack-a-day no prob .
On the contrary , on my days off from work , I might wolf-down only about 5 cigs all day .

Oh , well .
At least smoking while driving isn't illegal .

... yet !:evil1:
Sobriety date is 7/172006. Didnt think I could live life without drinking, now I cant imagine living life drinking again. Wow "living the dream". I dont know how I had time to do things when I was drinking and the drink was more important than anything or anyone.

Life is good!!!!