how much is a 65 valiant worth?



Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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going to look at a 65 valiant this weekend. 2 dr slant of course. very good condition. Just wondering what to look for that might affect the price. car not running but guy said it did run at one time long ago. (5 yrs ago) car is in Kanas.
you know the drill-- condition/ options/rust-- = value is the car in SE kansas?Bring it by Wichita-- I'm home for a few days !! Lawrence
Judging strictly by the pics, I would offer $3.50.

[ame=""]tree fiddy - YouTube[/ame]
Rust is the main thing. $5000 if no rust, V-8 GT, good interior & paint, disk brakes, 8.75" rear. Subtract $4500 if many rust-thrus. Add $1500 if a no-rust car in the East or Canada. Subtract $400 for a slant, unless buyer wants to go hemi or 360 anyway. Subtract $300 for bench seats. So on. In other words, a top-line car is worth much more than the sum of its parts, particularly for those who don't want the work as a hobby.
Nice assessment, thanks. I was guessing it would top out around 6000-7000. AS they always say on the auction shows on TV, "...maybe even MUCH higher for the right buyer" but I don't think you'd see too many "right buyers" for a 65 Dart GT. Oh, yeah a 70 Demon 340 , or something like that, you would draw the attention of collectors outside of the narrower circle of , well, of us on this site!
Assuming none but a bit of hidden rust in the usual places, and could be driven locally safely, and no silly surprises/molestations, and a good paint job, 4500 for classy, easy to work on transportation is reasonable, I 'd say. On the other hand, 4500 can get you a 2000 Jelly bean car that should last you 3-4 years. Wanna drive a car that looks like all the other white/black/grey/silver Jelly beans, or that looks like a funky-*** tennis shoe on wheels?
Looking further, would the 2000 or the Valiant have better resale after 3-4 yrs?