How Much Work is this: Converter

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I have never known how to do that directly on here.

I have always used photoBucket

on another note i checked all my connections and all seem good. voltage regulator is good and got a new ballast resistor (old one was brittle and prongs loose).

removed the carb for cleaning and seems i have found the issue.

after market edelbrock seat/NEEDLE - the needle was stuck - these new ones have an orange rubber tip that came to dissolve a bit and became 'soft' so it was sticking.

new ones on order now.

if this fixes the issue i thank you all.

all in all - i might miss a few things but we were able to install new.

flex plate
ballast resistor
voltage regulator
re-did some of the wiring (new)
transmission CROSS MEMBER mount
battery charged up
carburetor rebuild

and the car though not running perfect because of the carb. issue is already feeling like a new car. that mini starter is amazing.
