How much would you pay for a product made in the US vs China

How much would you pay for a product made in the US vs China

  • 10% more

    Votes: 2 9.1%
  • 30% more

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • 50% more

    Votes: 7 31.8%
  • 60% more

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 100% more

    Votes: 6 27.3%

  • Total voters


The parts you don't add don't cause you no trouble
FABO Gold Member
Jul 16, 2017
Reaction score
Northern Colorado
So here is the question...

If a product is made using the same equipment in China vs. in the US how much more are you willing to pay?

I priced out manufacturing a part and it would be 9X more expensive to have it made in the US vs in China. The equipment is the same, the shipping is the same, scientifically verified both parts are the same quality.

Would you be willing to pay $225.00 to have a part made in the US vs $25.00 made in China.
Not using the same equipment, no. If I'm going to pay more, I want a better product made with better equipment.
I would say do you research. I remember buying two transmission mounts one time, and the one made in china was not correct. So the question is-is everything really the same. Can you sample the product? Make sure it's correct
. So the question is-is everything really the same. Can you sample the product? Make sure it's correct
I'm having the parts made. I would be the quality control. And the manufacturing process is on tools not made in the US so a US based company would be using the same tools made in another country.
For me it would be quality workmanship. If the workers don't care,have no pride in their work and only work for a paycheck then the point is moot. BUT I voted for 50% with the hope the workforce has some dignity.
There aren't any post war workers anymore. Kids today,meaning anyone under 40 don't give a s%#t about a job.
It isn't that simple. We don't need to pay extra, we need to stop giving away the farm. We're already paying the difference as a whole when you factor in currency manipulation to keep the yuan low and a weak bilateral agreement, with export of our scrap driving steel prices up, etc. I fab tools and parts but it still costs me more to make anything then buy something that was scrap here, shipped around the world, built, then shipped back around.
An individual buying US made car parts won’t help the us economy, reverse the exportation of labor, or really have any effect other than drain your wallet. If it’s the same part, there is no way I’m paying more for US manufacturing. That does nothing to help anyone. The decision to export labor overseas was made by politicians in the last century and is not the responsibility of the consumer.

If on the other hand buying domestically made parts is incentivized by drastically higher quality, the argument can change. But for many things, china does a pretty damn good job and is far more cost efficient (by compromising on ethics yes) than US manufacturing will ever be.

So given your proposal, I’m paying 0% more.
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I would buy any American made product over any Chinese product, period. :usflag:
So here is the question...

If a product is made using the same equipment in China vs. in the US how much more are you willing to pay?

I priced out manufacturing a part and it would be 9X more expensive to have it made in the US vs in China. The equipment is the same, the shipping is the same, scientifically verified both parts are the same quality.

Would you be willing to pay $225.00 to have a part made in the US vs $25.00 made in China.
Which is more important to the OP, the pride of an American made product with a sticker said Made in America, and the benefit of helping neighbors, or extra money in your pocket from a Chinese made part?
So here is the question...

If a product is made using the same equipment in China vs. in the US how much more are you willing to pay?

I priced out manufacturing a part and it would be 9X more expensive to have it made in the US vs in China. The equipment is the same, the shipping is the same, scientifically verified both parts are the same quality.

Would you be willing to pay $225.00 to have a part made in the US vs $25.00 made in China.
Here's a new edit for you.

It wasn't the government.

It was business.

Doing exactly what the OP is describing- exploiting extremely low labor costs that more than offset the costs to transport sometimes twice around the world, and passing a modest savings on to the consumer while pocketing the rest.

You save a little.

They make a lot.

Everyone wins.

...except the US labor force.
Here's a new edit for you.
No thanks!

Post was not intended to get political it was intended to get a feeling for how much more money someone is willing to pay for the exact same product made in the US vs China.

I can have products made in the US or China with the same machines and materials and quality.
No thanks!

Post was not intended to get political it was intended to get a feeling for how much more money someone is willing to pay for the exact same product made in the US vs China.

I can have products made in the US or China with the same machines and materials and quality.
Already mentioning Govt above in post #18. See what happens
There are no quality Chinese parts the match Trick Flow quality, there isn't a Chinese boot that will match the comfort and quality of my White boots. :usflag:made
If the Chinese product is a dollar, and the US made product is two dollars, I'm buying US.
If the Chinese product is $10, and US is $15, I'll probably buy US.
If I have been burned on a $300 Chinese purchase (i have, twice!) I'll spend $750 for US quality.
If the cylinder head package from China is $850, (and includes an int
ake, roller rockers, valve covers and head gaskets, like mine did)and the US made head package is $2250, China here we come.
I DO NOT expect equivalent quality, I'm not that stupid.
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Y’all couldn’t afford parts if they were still made in the United States and you want to point a finger why, point it at lawyers, insurance companies and the business people in healthcare.