How to clean pitting on center lines?



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
Reaction score
Southern California
Any body have any hints or tips on cleaning aluminum center line rims?
I have some cleaners, polishes, and waxes. I was told to sand the , but I don't want to do anything I can't undo. Any tips would be much appreciated. Thanks
I'll post a pic when I get home.
That depends on how bad it is. You could start with some triple 000 steel wool. Not SOS pads but very fine steel wool.
go over them once with mothers aluminum polish

then decide on the pits...
if they are minor try 600 grit wet sandpaper, if that doesnt get to them you may have to drop back to 400 grit (hopefully not)

then you progress.. 600 to 800 to 1000 to 1500 to 2000, removing the scratches from the previous grit. use an old kiddie pool with some water in it since it's easier to keep it wet and rinse it and keep going, and easy to clean up after with a hose lol.

then do mothers aluminum polish at the end.

after that wax them keep them waxed no matter what. if you dont keep them waxed you get pits

remember dont sand too hard or you make gouges that are harder to get out with the next grit. and DONT use power tools. it's too easy to create quick nicks if the spinning part bumps something
i have a question here as well that may pertain to this topic. what is the best method and products to use for maintenance and protection on brand new aluminum wheels , such as a polished centerline?
i use blue magic (make sure to use in a ventilated area stuff is STRONG)! It's cheap and works amazing!
73AbodEE - Those wheels and the stance of your cars are baddddd!!! Love the look!!!

Ma Snart
So I started with some steel wool, it didn't really scratch at all. just took a frist layer off.
I used mothers mag aluminum polish to polish them and they came out pretty good. I can cruise around on these till I find a pair of rims I want...
Now i just have to find center caps haha


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Here is the rear tire. I need to do the other half now..
thanks for the tips guys


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Thanks to you, I got motivated and hit my filthy/pitted Centerlines today too JasonMeister. Little "Flitz" and an old tee-shirt did the trick....

