How to delete yourself out of the news and politics

Thanks for the heads up. I would have been upset if I had gone Gold and been forced out of my denial about what a bunch of hateful ignoramuses my fellow car enthusiasts can be.

I already pretty much gave up my gun hobby because of all that dumbassery.
i would apreciate it if one of the mods would remove me from it also, i was planning on not renewing my gold memembership otherwise.....thanks...and any way to find out when my gold memembership is up??
It is up one year after you signed up for it. Gold Members don't have a choice but to see it. Click on the link I posted and let them know that you want it changed.
I think I fixed it. Can a gold member please opt out of the politics forum so I can test it.
I think I fixed it. Can a gold member please opt out of the politics forum so I can test it.

Joey........ I can still click to the Forum, BUT I see only threads that I started in the past, no one elses (no new posts, or old for that matter).......and if I attempt to click in to a post, it denies me for lack of permission.

Must be a bug in the wires........
Hay joey I am sorry you are going through all this crap.I really didn,t think it would stare up a bees nest.You are doing a good job. Mark
I'm in the same boat as Tom. Can only see my own 2 posts. LOL
Before anybody thinks I am a redneck, intolerant bigot, I find some of what goes on in the politics forum as entertaining as some of the jokes in the Joke Forum. Some is a little over the top, but I do have thick skin. LOL

Joey........ I can still click to the Forum, BUT I see only threads that I started in the past, no one elses (no new posts, or old for that matter).......and if I attempt to click in to a post, it denies me for lack of permission.

Must be a bug in the wires........

I have the same problem
Dont delete my script to the N&P forum at this time. I'm not ready to stick my head in the sand and ignore what the jerks in Washington are doing to us. A lot of this stuff is real information as to what's really happening. Not ready to lay down yet. I'f i dont want to read it, i move on. I still have that much control over me. Some people see a topic that offends them and they go right to it. Please cry on my shoulder. I guess you could say i've still got some fight left in me.
Small Block

My hero!
Smallblock for President.
Dont delete my script to the N&P forum at this time. I'm not ready to stick my head in the sand and ignore what the jerks in Washington are doing to us. A lot of this stuff is real information as to what's really happening. Not ready to lay down yet. I'f i dont want to read it, i move on. I still have that much control over me. Some people see a topic that offends them and they go right to it. Please cry on my shoulder. I guess you could say i've still got some fight left in me.
Small Block

As if any of the "real information" in that forum was any further away than a Limbaugh/Hannity/Beck/Coulter broadcast/book/show/blog. You can't get away from that crap if you try.
Joey........ I can still click to the Forum, BUT I see only threads that I started in the past, no one elses (no new posts, or old for that matter).......and if I attempt to click in to a post, it denies me for lack of permission.

Must be a bug in the wires........

I'm in the same boat as Tom. Can only see my own 2 posts. LOL
Before anybody thinks I am a redneck, intolerant bigot, I find some of what goes on in the politics forum as entertaining as some of the jokes in the Joke Forum. Some is a little over the top, but I do have thick skin. LOL


I have the same problem

Folks --

You can get access or cease access to the politics forum by visiting this link:

Joey the same thing that's happening to Pastortom, Coyote Jack, and Tomt is what's happening to me. That's what I was saying in the other thread started by Scamp360.