How to stay motivated on your project?



Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2006
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I'm having a heck of a time staying motivated on my big bolt pattern conversion/suspension rebuild. I've got a lot of the big stuff done, but there has been a lot of small setbacks that have killed my motivation, plus I went on vacation and that got me into a lazy state of mind. I'm trying to get back to it because I really want to drive my car, but I'm having a heck of a time getting back into it.

Anybody have any tricks that you use to get/stay motivated?
I'm having a heck of a time staying motivated on my big bolt pattern conversion/suspension rebuild. I've got a lot of the big stuff done, but there has been a lot of small setbacks that have killed my motivation, plus I went on vacation and that got me into a lazy state of mind. I'm trying to get back to it because I really want to drive my car, but I'm having a heck of a time getting back into it.

Anybody have any tricks that you use to get/stay motivated?

I get that way sometimes......I usually just clean up the shop put everything away nice and neat and walk away from it for awhile.....then all of a sudden I just have the urge to get back at it :glasses7:

I get that way sometimes......I usually just clean up the shop put everything away nice and neat and walk away from it for awhile.....then all of a sudden I just have the urge to get back at it :glasses7:


Same here...I go in spurts. With all the kids activities (volley ball, soccer, orhcestra etc) it's sometimes hard to fit it in on weekends. And week nights are often hard cuz I'm just beat and want to relax after work. That said, when that urge to spin wrenches pops up, I head to the garage. One step at a time time brother. You'll be hitting the streets in no time. :thumblef:
I take all the parts I have bought for my car (disk brakes, 4 speed set up, intake carb, valve covers, trim parts, etc) out of the trunk and pile them up in the shed, then I drive the car the way it is until I go buy more parts
I get that way sometimes......I usually just clean up the shop put everything away nice and neat and walk away from it for awhile.....then all of a sudden I just have the urge to get back at it :glasses7:

To clean up the shop is a great way to find the motivation for some quality time in the garage. Have helped me many times.
I go through loss of interest modes too. Its usually because I am so tired of 18 hour days at work.

All it takes is for me to hit a cruise night or carshow or read a car mag and I get sucked right back in.
...and Rickstershemi...your car looks friggen awsome looking in that photo! Definently a badass ride!
A landlord taught me 20 minutes a day.Keeps me motivated that way.Ever if it is brainstorming.
Anything from AC/DC with Bon Scott at the mic should do nicely!!!

Seriously though, try to get to complete assemblies and have them ready when you are. Take all the parts from your suspension rebuild and make sure every piece is ready, and if it's not just work on "one piece at a time" until it is then set it in the pile with the others. You'd be surprised at how quick the components get done in small lots. Then when a big gust hits, the newly refurbished items will be ready to just bolt in...Hello...BIG SHOW!!!

That and the AC/DC should get you firmly back on track!!! Good luck bro!! Geof
well i just got back from the mopar fall fling.....seeing so many A-bodies and cars, hearing other peoples engines rumble, and looking at new products really motivate me...just got home tonight, and tomorrow im gonna build the heck out my trans coolers lines so i can fire it up!
I Definitely agree with the "Clean/Orderly Shop" theory!
I get a little urge and open the shop door to a pig pen it really is discouraging. My 60 year old Dad can be a PITA sometimes. Leaves my tools all over the place and greasey. WTF, I spend several hours putting everything in its place and blow the shop out and lock it back up..

That night I pick up a magazine or get on the web and get a little motivation there. Next morning I am ready to go and accomplish something. Definitely have the parts/materials available that are needed.

I am working sheetmetal and trying to get mine in Epoxy primer and get the jambs painted. Then start with all the electronics and fuel system. Got almost all the dings and dents removed and cut them with a file to confirm they are gone, just need a couple coats of primer/surfacer. Lots to do just gotta get busy. I have been fairly productive lately since the weather has changed. Quite a bit cooler now! Gonna be in the 40's Tuesday morning! YEEESSSSS!

I did my entire front and rear suspension in a weekend once I had everything. You shouldn't have too many problems with yours.
See we all get that way with our busy lives. Even I get that way, especially with 3 kids and their activities going on to, not to mention work itself. But every time I go outside and see mine sitting there and knowing those parts I bought aren't on yet, it bugs me till after a while I realize I am out working to get them on and enjoying bringing it back to life again. But before you know it and step back, then look .... WOW, its really coming along with what time I have only put into it.
just like most others, cleaning and organizing the garage just keeps me IN the garage even if I don't wanna work on the cars.
what is a huge motivator is watching a show like Boyd coddington, always makes my hands itch
I like the idea of cleaning up the garage. It's pretty messy right now. That's a good way to get back into it.

I also need to stop thinking of the big picture and just plug away at one thing at a time.

Thanks for the ideas and encouragement, guys!
first of all Roadmouse, I like your avatar.
Then since cleaning up is a basically brain dead activity, its what I do every morning im working in the shop. I make a mental plan for the days work, make sure the materials are on hand and go from there.The other thing I do is I have a dry erase board with a list of tasks needed for the car, and if I have a brain fart I just look at that and try to get something off the list.
A side note to Roadmouse, I am trying to get things in order to visit Denmark where I have been invited to play in a blues festival in Nov I dont know how far away the festival is from Belgium maybe you can visit.
Sometimes talking to a friend in the same hobby can help keep you going
well maybe have some friends over to give u a kick in the butt now and then ... thats what im going to do on the 5th thanks cliff chuck and danny
I clean my shop first, then I have to think about it the same way we used to build 747's. One piece at a time. I have my front suspension ready to put together but I am in body & paint mode right now. When it is too cold to do body & paint, I will put my K-frame together. Good luck with yours, the car is very cool!
first of all Roadmouse, I like your avatar.
A side note to Roadmouse, I am trying to get things in order to visit Denmark where I have been invited to play in a blues festival in Nov I dont know how far away the festival is from Belgium maybe you can visit.
Belgium - Denmark is about 600 miles sorry my privat jet is just being waxed :D
I have the time thing figured out, its the 'hyperspace'generators that are still eluding me.Or Id come pick you up.:D


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I'm the type that likes to get done when I start anything.This being my first restore and Everytime I get to a good point I see something else that I should do before going further.Like today I was cleaning the seem seal around the trunk and trunk lid well I founf a 1/8 by 1/2 rust hole that I have to deal with now,no big deal in the long run but thats the stuff that discourages me but I know I have to get back to it or it will never end.Best way for me to get motivated is to lumber out to the garage and go full forward on an area and before I know it I'm getting alot acompliced.