How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?



Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2011
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Got my quote today. 54% increase along with increases in deductibles.
Depressing to say the least.
Fortunate to have good insurance through my job. Next year it increases about 10%, which is still a lot but considering what others are facing (especially Obama care), I feel fortunate
20% and not happy at all..... It is not a discussion for me to discuss because it goes South real quick.....

I don't see how the average Joe worker can afford any of it......

I soooo saw this coming years ago.
Any time you make a product or service mandatory by law this is what can be expected.
Well I'm very fortunate that the IAFF with over 300,000 members negotiated the fantastic policy and price for me being a 33 year veteran now retired. For the wife and I it only cost me $1600.00 Month! Yes I'm being sarcastic. My wife actually shopped for a single policy for herself about 5 years ago. She was able to get a policy that mirrors mine from United Health Care, the same company that my great IAFF wheeled and dealed to get me! Oh how much does she pay ? How about $327.00 month! Now I only have to get single coverage thru The Tampa Fire Dept. at a cost of $688.00 a month! I can't get the same policy as my wife because of health issues.
I guess my wife is a better negotiator than Harold A. Schaitberger!!!! Harold A. Schaitberger is an American labor leader who has served as General President of the International Association of Fire Fighters since 2000
I soooo saw this coming years ago.
Any time you make a product or service mandatory by law this is what can be expected.
hit the agree button 10x on this........ and I'll add "let the government offer the service" and you'll see 50% increases.... you bet!
As was determined, The US government CAN NOT force citizens to purchase anything! HOWEVER, what they can do is asses a tax on your yearly income tax form you file annually, for not having heath insurance!
It's not law that you have to go to the Doc. Just a law that you have to have health insurance? It's like say'n ya got to have car insurance, whether you have a car or not.... lol
Oh I agree it's total BS! But it's how they got it shoved down our throats! Beware! We are close to this getting moved!
Just became eligible for health insurance on the new job. If I take it, I won't have money to pay off the debt for things that the previous insurance did not cover.
I am in debt-pay-off mode for a few more months at least.
So why would I want to sign back up with a company that denied the only thing I have asked for in many many years?
Maybe come April I will be able to afford it.
Can't wait to hear from the HR dept, wondering about my sign-up.
I own a small business. Our plan (and basically all others) don't meet ACA guidelines. My employees have all been forced to Obamacare which they can't afford, so they now have no coverage and get fined. Apparently as an "evil" business owner, I pay my guys too much to qualify for subsidies.
Personally I used to pay $424mo for a family plan with no deductible and great coverage. Now I pay $2039mo and have a deductible of just under $7000yr! That's great! I gotta pay roughly $31,000 before they buy an aspirin.
Obamacare was designed not to work. Eventually the government will "fix" it though. It's called single payer. The Dem's wet dream.
This statement by the greatest president of my time,sums it up.
Reagan presents himself as a follower of the Constitution. “Our Government,” he emphasizes, “has no power except that granted it by the people. It is time to check and reverse the growth of government which shows signs of having grown beyond the consent of the governed.” The old Constitution, with its restraints and emphasis on limited government, allows individual freedom to work for the common good. “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.”
The whole problem started with that great Act. So many got blind sided by. My wife works for the same hospital 20 years she has the worst insurance. And she couldn't keep her DR.
As was determined, The US government CAN NOT force citizens to purchase anything! HOWEVER, what they can do is asses a tax on your yearly income tax form you file annually, for not having heath insurance!

Which by the way is a lot cheaper than buying health insurance. :D
It's not going to get any better either, until the people grow the balls to tell our government to F off and are ready to pay the price for doing it.
It's already to the point where they can label a terrorist and totally strip them of their civil rights.
So what is their definition of a terrorist as the people slowly start waking up and are willing to speak out?
Maybe someone that openly disagrees with them?

Remember the phrase "when they came for me"?
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Who pays for the emergency care if someone without insurance has a medical emergency they can't afford?
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Which by the way is a lot cheaper than buying health insurance. :D
For me, the second year fine would have been more expensive than the premiums through work.. so for the first time in 50+ years, i have insurance. And I'm far from impressed..
For me, the second year fine would have been more expensive than the premiums through work.. so for the first time in 50+ years, i have insurance. And I'm far from impressed..

Ben, my Son has insurance through his job also and they take a decent amount out of his paychecks for it.
He broke his hand at work one day and the insurance paid 100 bucks of the 5,300 bill after he has been on the job for over 5 years paying hundreds a month for insurance.
Health insurance is now legal thievery for the insurance companies since the AHA was implemented.

On a separate note (sorta) I see where a high up Wells Fargo employee was found to have been artificially inflating the company worth on the markets by adding fake loan information for years.
She was "retired" for her crime and given a 150 million dollar retirement package instead of being put in prison for about 15 different federal offenses.

This right after a horrific economy crash caused partially by the same people doing the same things.
It's obvious to me that our government is out for it's own interests and has been for a long time, and it's getting more and more obvious that they are not going to do the will of it's people when the **** hits the fan but fight them with deadly military force.

Mark my words boy and girls, we have already allowed the creation and growth of a monster that going to end up eating us.
We are becoming nothing more than a battery for this beast to run on.
Ben, my Son has insurance through his job also and they take a decent amount out of his paychecks for it.
He broke his hand at work one day and the insurance paid 100 bucks of the 5,300 bill after he has been on the job for over 5 years paying hundreds a month for insurance.
Health insurance is now legal thievery for the insurance companies since the AHA was implemented.

On a separate note (sorta) I see where a high up Wells Fargo employee was found to have been artificially inflating the company worth on the markets by adding fake loan information for years.
She was "retired" for her crime and given a 150 million dollar retirement package instead of being put in prison for about 15 different federal offenses.

This right after a horrific economy crash caused partially by the same people doing the same things.
It's obvious to me that our government is out for it's own interests and has been for a long time, and it's getting more and more obvious that they are not going to do the will of it's people when the **** hits the fan but fight them with deadly military force.

Mark my words boy and girls, we have already allowed the creation and growth of a monster that going to end up eating us.
We are becoming nothing more than a battery for this beast to run on.
I couldn't agree more!!! The Kenyans agenda has never changed! And ladies and gentlemen you and I are the ones that will or will not stop it!!!!
Got great UPMC insurance through my company. For some reason I still have that choice because I live in Pittsburgh (my company is based in Boston). The rest of the employees based in Boston only get Obama Care A or Obama B. My rates only went up $23.00/month.
I couldn't agree more!!! The Kenyans agenda has never changed! And ladies and gentlemen you and I are the ones that will or will not stop it!!!!

There we go blaming it all on one person again.:D
It's not one person and never has been, but we sure are encouraged to separate into to opposing parties and keep ourselves busy blaming each other for it instead of holding the total entity actually controlling it all accountable.
If the gummint can't run a post office how can they run National health care?
Obama care was designed to fail so what we end up with, no matter how bad, looks better.
They might have well of just said "Hey, the banks and pharmaceutical companies want to make a lot more money so pay up"
"Oh, you can't ?"
"Then were taking your house and selling it to someone who will be making lower payments than you were"

Same thing.

That was a huge clue as to who's interests were in charge, and I felt it was a real slap in the face to millions of hard working people.