How's Cudachick's storm damaged building coming?



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FABO Gold Member
Jan 18, 2006
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Anybody heard from Leanna lately? Does she need some help rebuilding her building? I'll bet if I looked hard enough I could find her Paypal account info. toolmanmike
how bad was her shop hit i have yet to here about it or see a thread about it
Hey Mike, thanks for checking in on us. The adjuster totaled the shop (apparently due to the cracked slab) but haven't heard a peep from anybody at the insurance company since. As long as there's enough insurance proceeds to at least put a new roof on it, it'll be all right.
Where have I been? This is friggin crazy. After all you two have been through you both deserve better. Glad it wasn't worse than it is. Thoughts are with you both, and knowing your tenacity, I know things will work out.

Thanks Grant ... starting to feel like I've got a big bullseye on my back or something LOL!! I'm sure it'll all work out but I'm already tired of tripping over everything that was on that side of the shop -- now relocated to my side -- and the repair ordeal hasn't really even started yet.

Everything happens for a reason. It'll be interesting seeing what the reason is behind this one. :-D