Hurricane Fiona Direct Hit .

I don't think Miami will be impacted.

All battened down here ! Looks like it now will skirt right past Me close. Hope the eye stays off shore. I'm like 2.5 ft above sea level, and they are predicting a high storm surge:BangHead::(
All battened down here ! Looks like it now will skirt right past Me close. Hope the eye stays off shore. I'm like 2.5 ft above sea level, and they are predicting a high storm surge:BangHead::(
If you are only 2.5 feet above sea level, get the hell out of there. Storm surge is more deadly than the winds.

Every cone/consensus track since before noon had edged more towards me.


All weekend it got farther and farther away.
Prayers are with you we lost our home in Katrina. Plus lots of old Mopar stuff not replaceable.
IDA 8-29-21 gave us 12.5 hours of wind and rain. Blew fireplace to he'll along with siding, roof and much more.
Even had to go threw the new Aluiminum headed 422six
Just have a few more things to do to be done with the home.
That sucks
Cone and tracks today shift WAY closer to me.


Gonna go get my plywood.

Looks like it could go right up Tampa bay.
That's not gonna be good for those folks.

About 20-30 more miles south (well within the cone), and it will have the shortest possible path to my house.

BTW- ground is already water saturated. about 8 inches in our retention ditch.
Next street over has standing water in the street for about 300 feet.

My house is a mid 80's build and is almost 3 feet above grade. One of the highest in the 'hood.
There are some early 70's houses that are about 2 inches above grade. Yikes.

Fortunately I work for a place that lets us off work to deal with this kind of thing.
Although I do have to go in and shut down servers today.

Several people on my street were out cutting trees yesterday.
LOTS of piles of big limbs out by the curb.
Yard debris pickup day is supposed to be tomorrow.
Think they will come?
If not, thanks for all the missiles.
I took mine to the shop dumpster after cutting them Saturday.
Good luck ! I think we're gonna need it.
Al y'all need to be on higher ground. My sister lives in Sarasoto but my brother-in-law had surgery a few days ago in Weston so they are still there. Will be praying for you, they just said gust 190 mph sustained at 155 mph. Be safe, Joe
Yikes! Prayers for any and all riding this one out! I was in Panama City Beach last Monday and southern Georgia all last week. Timing is everything! Stay safe!
This is what I woke up to this morning. Was pretty calm last night

Looks like a whole lotta rain lookin for a place to fall :eek: If ya head north the Weather Service expects most of Mississippi and Alabama to catch fire, they got their own warnings goin on.
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It is a beautiful morning here sunshine and no wind. The lakes a smooth. Wind supposed to pick up later today with no burn warnings, Joe
Take care, @RAT ROD AL

That's real close to you, right?

Landfall almost exactly same place as Charley.

...but much larger storm.

Charley's eye passed less than 5 miles from my house and knocked down 2 24+" diameter trees.
That's real close to you, right?

Looks like the eye went directly over him! Praying they're okay.

Charley's eye passed less than 5 miles from my house and knocked down 2 24+" diameter trees.

Dang, that's powerful!!

When we lived in Biloxi and Katrina was on the way, I mentioned to my neighbor about a Huge Live Oak we had about 8' from our front door. He said, no worries, it's been there over 100 years. THANKFULLY, he was right!
Hows the grind going there bud, hang in there and stay safe. My area is part of Ian's exit plan.
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This storm is no joke. Lived in Southern Florida. I've never seen one effect this wide an area. My family in North Ft Lauderdale area is bracing for local flooding. And they're considering themselves lucky compared to West and Central Florida. Thoughts and prayers to all.
I saw some wicked film on the Weather Channel an hour ago. Somewhere south of Tampa 200 yds. from the beach. The storm surge was half way to the door handles on a commercial building/shopping center. :eek:
They showed some areas expecting 15-18 foot surge.

I boarded 3 windows yesterday and a 4th today, plus 4/5 of the french doors.

Only have 4 12" wide windows left and no material on hand to board them.
They are small targets and should be OK.

Sure glad I took extra precautions, starting Saturday.

I'm pretty well inland but still could be cat 2-ish for us.
Still a good chance for a direct hit, too.

My generator is on the South facing screen porch, also under the eave.
I'm thinking of bringing that into the house.

Limbs are already falling from the trees and the gusts are "only" 45 MPH.
I heard a 2.5 inch limb fall on my driveway while I was boarding that last window.