I am in a world of S#&T

I've done this three times with my wife. Agreed to buy a 73 Dart Sport over the phone (cell phone) while she was in the house thinking I was getting something out of the garage. I then bought a 67 Barracuda (sight unseen) while she was out for a walk. I told her on both of those occassions immediately (when I came back into the house and when she returned from her walk). She wasn't too pleased, but not too upset either. The third time was for 4 hockey jerseys (doesn't sound expensive, but it was more than I could afford). That time I waited and let her know by email! To my surprise she wasn't mad, but then she thought I bought all four jerseys for $250, when it was $250 a piece. When she found out the truth she still wasn't too upset. Now if I could convince her now's the time to get another A-body (Dart and Cuda sold a few years back...)

I suggest letting her know ASAP and definitely post how it turns out!
So, how much is this gonna cost me to bail you out!

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After reading all of this, all I can say is

The world would be such a harmonious place if there were just more car chicks in it.
OK I sort of did it!! Went into town to have coffee with her at work, as we sat at a table with several of her co-workers ,we got to talking cars and, well I saw it as an opportunity, So I started bragging about her driving to work in her new Barracuda convert. The co-workers took it from there, they ohed and awd about how lucky some people are to have a classic car and a convertable, and how she's the luckiest gal to have me buy her one ,ect..ect...
I believe I missed the bullet But I'll find out when she arrives home.
Tell her you will buy her a new Front Door.....Works everytime !!! 8)
Heck, you want me to run down to Cheyenne and hold that for you? I'll boot the Dart out to keep it safe for you. !!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, if you need anything, I've got a truck and trailer if it'll help.
You sliver tongue devil. Use the girl friends as jealousy bait. Now she can flaunt it. Unless she comes unglued on you at home, but no doubt, you made here queen in front of the girls, so U B Da Man. Now go out and get a matching one for yourself.
Hey who the in he11 wear the paints in your home you or her be the man an just tell her what you did this is how it works at my place i took a pair of my pants an told her to put them on and wear them she they were too big and i said do not forget it she pulled her under pants off and thru them at me and put them on i said i can not get in to them and she and you won't untill your attatude changes that the way it goes at my place

Now THAT is funny!

Please install hidden video camera for our viewing pleasure when you tell her.

I 2nd that!
Dude, I was thinking of letting my Wife read this post just for a laugh, but I thought, no, I better not, she would probably get pissed off at me for no reason because it would drudge up some kind of bad memory of times gone by and her head would do a 360 and green vomit would fly across the room.
Nah, I'll just keep this one to myself.
I think I know why he hasn't been on. The cord for his computer wont reach to the car. She made him sleep in it, that or he is rotting in the trunk.
Things were a little intense last evening.. But she hasn't said much.. I think I'm either in the eye of the storm or she's given up on trying to talk sense into me.. Tonight is date night so I'll see a little bit more what the outcome is going to be.
She did ask me about the Duster ,whether what it was bid up to ect...

No I'm still breathing .. but if you don't hear from me in a couple days please call the local police....
Hey, you can always tell her that she is lucky your addiction is old Mopars and not old whiskey or young hotties. :toothy10:

Just duck after you say it.

..........offer still stands......I'll take that Duster off your hands and give it free 'storage" here.....

Wish I had the cash to bid.....:angry7:
I am pretty lucky...my wife puts up with my toys.....I have basically turned the garage into my space....her car hasnt seen the inside of it for a decade except to work on it...LOL

She is actually helping me look for a car....

She supported my getting my bike rims Permastar coated (like chrome)....although I dont know if she realizes how costly that was......LOL...maybe I am in danger afterall.


She likes cars and stuff so I am lucky. Will never forget ....about 20 years ago went looking at a Camaro (68)......went for a ride with the owner and she was in the back seat.....she was grinning ear to ear about that car....almost as much as me at the time.

Didnt get the car, but I did get the girl. :)
Wyo, I just keep getting this image in my mind of JR's dog's nugs in a jar. Sleep with one eye open.
Ok I need help here.... I bought this Barracuda convertible an haven't told my wife.. YES I;M SCARED!! I mentioned it to her and of course she says "better sell one first",so I have my Duster on EBAY., but in the mean time I went ahead and bought this one....
Heres the problem.. Work has been slow(I'm self-employed) and money isn't flowing. So how am I going to justify this to her????
Do I wait til I pick it up ,Its 5 hours away so can't just go get it without her knowing, or tell her now?? or Hope the Duster sells and then tell her?
AM I in a world of **** or what???
We've been married 30+ years never done this before..oh yea I've bought a gun here and there without saying anything but that was just $3-400. bucks.Not a CAR!!
:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

To quote my wife,"be afraid,be very afraid"....LOL!!!!

I've bought small peanuts stuff,but never a car...
This has been a very entertaining read. I guess I'm lucky because not only is my wife a Mopar girl, but we each have our own bank accounts and we decided when we first got married who was going to pay what bill and after 17 years it's still working. I have brought a lot of gems home on the trailer, and when she sees them she always says the same thing..."Is that going TO the junkyard??? After 17 years my wife knows that I will always make good on my efforts and we will not be without, and I would think that after 30 years your wife should do the same. Buying a red convertible is a very wife friendly decision and popping it to her in front of her friends was a smooth move. I have always subscribed to the honesty idea, and telling her ASAP is the only way. When I spring something on my wife, like a couple day fishing trip, the first thing she says is NO!!! The next time it comes up she always says..."So, when are you going fishing again"??? Honest and up front, the only way to keep your sanity. Good luck, Geof