I am torqued with Mopar Muscle Mag.



Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2004
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I am torqued off by Mopar Muscle Mag. of which I have been a loyal subscriber for 20 plus years now. I received my renewal letter to renew for for one year 12 issues for $39.99 . Ok,..but then out fell one of those anoying subscription cards, just about four of them and it was hard to not notice the new subscribers rate of one year 12 issues for $29.99 ..?? WOW..treating a new subscriber that might not ever renew again better than your loyal subscribers is is not good business IMO. So I did not renew my subscription to MMM. Later maybe but not now. Someone who has never subscribed pays less than I do and I have been buying their mag for over 20 years...WOW ! I do feel unappreciated.
its just like wireless companies, I have been with the same one for 10+ years, they wont give me a deal on a new phone, new customers get the same phone I want for FREE!

dont they have an electronic version of the magazine that is cheaper?
I just had Hot Rod mag get me back after many years by giving me 3 years and a clock for 20 bucks total.
I subscribed last year and I don't receive my issues until a couple weeks after they hit stores for some reason.....and on top of that I have been shorted 2 or 3 copies. And on top of that I they started sending me renewel letters 3 months into my 1 year subscription? and here it is about 8 months into my subscription and they are sending letters saying my subscription is about to expire and I have to pay for another year or 2 to keep it active.

I enjoy the magazine (even though the internet puts it all at your finger tips) but its nice to sit and flip through pages once and awhile......plus being in mopar muscle mag myself has kept me coming back.

I won't point the blame on them though,something probably got messed up because of HOW I originally subscribed (through facebook when they had a special offer for $17.00 for a 1 year subscription) next time around Ill sign up directly through MMM and hope that my mags arrive on time every time.