I Bet You've Never Heard Of A Stupider Law...

there is more to it than, hey, this manure could be used for fertilizer, and we could make/save money.

not every CFO is going to have the means to meet local regulations. In a perfect world, every farm should be self sufficient, but a high yield CFO is a battle to balance profits, expansion, and sustainability, all while staying within the law. The definition of tread lightly is a farmer who has almost lost his *** after being caught bending the rules..

we all want to have that fully restored frame off beauty queen, with tons of HP, but many don't have the means to make it happen. So you repair a panel here, replace some wiring there, seatcovers, new battery, etc. Some folks are just treading water, doing well to just keep it on the road
I have family in the dairy industry and have a little insight on this. The comment leaves an open door for future federal funding of emerging technologies to use the methane gas created through dairy farming. In your head, you imagine some random farmer hold a trash bag over his cow's fart box, but we are talking industrial dairies with 1000's of dairy cows. The primary focus is to reduce the methane gas created as manure breaks down in landfills. Yes methane in high quantities is detrimental to the environment, yea it dissipates quickly, but it's also continuously being produced. This is considered a very minor pollutatnt, but it's a positive step to reduce the overall stress on the environment in ways we can, until advances in technology allows us to make huge changes. Kind of like changing our socks until we can afford some new boots.
There is alot of wordsmithing and odd language in the bill that all points straight back to funding lines and purpose allocations.
The funding is to reduce methane emmissions, but they are using it to further refine technologies to utilize methane to produce energy to sell back onto the grid, etc etc. Some dairy farmers are okay with the direction it's going, some are not. There is alot of mindblowing stuff in the dairy industry that is basically swallowed up by the Dairy industry's giant good PR and marketing machine. It's not as bad as we think, and far worse than we think.

I'm just sayin, never heard it and I was in the dairy industry at one point. And if they're sending it to the landfills then as was stated, control the methane at the landfills and that takes care of it

doh! I didn't mean to type manure, I had it on the brain! This is what I meant to type..

"The primary focus is to reduce the methane gas created as waste breaks down in landfills"

what I'm trying to say is they are using hazy word play to pull additional funding
insects let off more CO2 than everything man is doing. Now, how to handle that???
Well that makes much more sense. Lol. I was gonna say, every farm I know of has a pit or lagoon and every so often pump it out and spread or inject it on their fields. Now if they want to cut down on methane at the dairy they should have the manure pit in a building with fans in the ceiling to capture/filter the methane. That would make sense.
Well that makes much more sense. Lol. I was gonna say, every farm I know of has a pit or lagoon and every so often pump it out and spread or inject it on their fields. Now if they want to cut down on methane at the dairy they should have the manure pit in a building with fans in the ceiling to capture/filter the methane. That would make sense.

Remember a while ago we were talking about bilt-rite and big Dutchman?

They actually have chicken farm which do something similar, (im not sure on the specifics) but they use the manure thier farms produce to run electrical generators and are completely self sufficient, as for as electricity goes
Now if they want to cut down on methane at the dairy they should have the manure pit in a building with fans in the ceiling to capture/filter the methane. That would make sense.
Thats why some people are so willing to accept further govt restrictions, because they come with federal subsidy to assist them in meeting the rules, like the waste digesters. It also allows then to play mom against dad in the regulations. This is a long standing issue

A stink in Central California over converting cow manure to electricity
A stupider law, transgenders can use any bathroom, probably gonna have more negative impact on society than this law.
This law is a way to take more money from the hard working-class.
An older article, "butt" still relevant.
I know most don't believe in your carbon footprint being taxed,
but you will in the knot too distant "futures".
It's something that can be taxed and traded because of global warming
and an easy way out for gross polluters.
Think of a world wide deal like Californias businesses ability to buy old gross polluter cars so they can come into EPA compliance without fixing anything.
The Impact of US Carbon Tax on Livestock Farmers
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In California, it's very rare for a dairy to send manure to a landfill. The vast majority of it is dealt with onsite. And has anyone actually read the text of the bill that was signed and referenced in the first post? Don't believe everything you read on an online newspaper. I thought you guys knew better than that... BTW, the California dairy industry has quite heavy involved in the drafting of the bill.

No, I didn't quote the entire bill - just the part that struck me as stupid.
I'm sure the California dairy industry was heavily involved in the drafting of the bill since we're the #1 ranked state by number of milk cows in the entire United States - with over 500,000 more milk cows that the #2 ranked state (Wisconsin).
The dairy industry is huge in California. It's just my opinion that trying to regulate cow farts is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of.
Oh, by the way, the Orange County Register is not an online newspaper. It's a well-respected three-time Pulitzer prize winning conservative viewpoint print newspaper that's been in business since 1905.
Oh, by the way, the Orange County Register is not an online newspaper. It's a well-respected three-time Pulitzer prize winning conservative viewpoint print newspaper that's been in business since 1905.

A conservative paper printing negative views of government regulations? That doesn't happen... Guess I should've said, "don't believe everything you read."
BS. I don't know a single farm that sends their manure to a landfill!

I know they don't do that around here - drive by the pastures and one can see cow patties on the ground clear as day.
Yes, we should try to control methane emissions wherever we can. Landfills = good place to do it. Individual farms = government over-reach. When are they going to start controlling the methane from termites too??? You have to draw lines where there are diminishing returns (corn into ethanol comes to mind).
Holy Crap, [so to speak] someone speaks the truth that ethanol is a joke, in that it takes more energy to produce one gallon of ethanol, than one gallon of the product produces. But, the farm belt loves those subsidies.
In California, it's very rare for a dairy to send manure to a landfill.

New York is the nation's third leading producer of dairy products. I don't see any dairy farms around here sending it to landfills, either. Most of is stored and then spread on the corn and soy fields the dairy farms use to feed the cattle. If there's too much, then some of the farmers will sell it off or give it away to gardeners.

Either way, some of the thousands of acre farms will build a storage facility (usually a concrete above ground pit with three side) covered in tarps.