I can't belive this


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I just got off the phone with a girl from Service N.B., they are the people that hand out license plates here. They will not allow me to get my license plate for the Demon that I want. I asked for "MYDEMON", "BADDMON" AND "72DEMON" in that order of preference. They say that I can't have the word Demon at all or anything that resembles it because some people find it offensive. I am really starting to get tired of this politically correct bullcrap. So I am sitting here trying to think of something other name. It has to be less than 8 letters and numbers. HELP!!!!

I am pissed!

That's just ridiculous :wack: Did you tell her that those same people would already be offended by the fact that the car is a Demon and is badged as such so it's really quite irrelevant? Ask to talk to her Supervisor, maybe you'll find someone with a brain if you keep looking.
One to many letters

I wrote that down, it may work.

I like the way you think, LOL

I already went through those routes. They wouldn't waver and they set the rules. They were quite put out when I told them that the word DEMON is spelled out very clear on the title and on the back of the car 2 feet to the right and 1 foot above the plate. And also 2 places on the sides and twice inside.

man i thought VA. was conservative! i am glad i got my demon plate 7demon2. maybe it was just the lady or guy that you were talking to. can you go online and purchace the plate? if so maybe you can sneak it in online and no one will catch it. good luck!
No, you have to do this one in person. Pay your money, and then wait and see if it gets approved. What a bunch of bullcrap.
I happen to work with one of the most religious persons you will ever meet. She even carries her bible to work with her. I talked to her and asked her opinion. She said she wouldn't be offended at all by the plate I wanted. She thought that the government people were being a little to knit picky and thought they were a bunch of clowns.

I can believe it. What I can't believe is why anyone would want a custom plate. In Washington state they charge you more for the privilage every year to have one and you have to run two plates, one on the back and front. I got a collector plate, you only pay once, it is licensed for life and only have to have a rear plate so I can put anything I want on the front. Sure they say I can't drive it every day but what's the state gonna do come check the mileage of my car every month? I don't thing so. I'm looking for the cheapest way to express myself not the most expensive.

That really blows my mind. In this age of practically zero censorship, sex, violence, cursing can be seen on virtually any channel on TV. Video games with outrageous violence. Violence and outlandish cursing in Music. You name it, everywhere you turn you are inundated with offensive material but that's all fine, just don't be putting a Demon license plate on your Demon, that's completely out of the question. [-X What a crazy world :cussing:
This would be the eqivelant to your collector plate except that we have to renew our registration every year and can drive it every day if we want. You only pay for the plates once though. After that you pay by the kilo like everybody else. You can sell your car and keep the plate for your next one if you want to. The only other options are antique plates. Very limited use of vehicle with those and no mods to car as far as I know. And the same plates as a new car. To each his own.

Rob said:
That really blows my mind. In this age of practically zero censorship, sex, violence, cursing can be seen on virtually any channel on TV. Video games with outrageous violence. Violence and outlandish cursing in Music. You name it, everywhere you turn you are inundated with offensive material but that's all fine, just don't be putting a Demon license plate on your Demon, that's completely out of the question. [-X What a crazy world :cussing:

The governments train of thought is you do have the right to express yourself but they have the final say how you can do it on a plate because;

1. driving is a privilage not a right

2. the plates are basically owned by the government and not the car owner using them so they get to decide what gets put on the plates.

Heck, the one time I wanted to get one they denied me, I wanted CH3NO2 which is the chemical formula for nitromethane. But I couldn't have it because of the arrangement of the numbers and letters, screw them. So I have a custom made plate with CH3NO2 on the front with a collector plate on the back, I win.

This is why I don't use them or like them, to restrictive.

mumst be chevy or ford guys workin at dmv, i think it a load of crap. personly i find anything with a heart or a flower type name offensive lets banned them next.