I Created a Video! Rotting Mopar Blues



FABO Member #3649
Nov 20, 2006
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Check it out, I made my first video off of the Photobucket website! :cheers: These were all pictures I took from some junkyards in MN. 8) Madmaximum told me where to go and said it was easy to create a video, so here you go, enjoy! :toothy10:

Nice vid. Lot of nice cars in there. Wish I knew of a yard like that. I would be in heaven.
Nice job, that`s a lot of pictures! You`ve spent a lot of time putting that together. I agree with Burnt, it is a shame to see all of those cars piled up rusting away. Some look like they could be made in to whole cars again.
I feel depressed.:cry: I was laughing at first cause the song is perfect!:thumbup: untill I saw the AAR Cuda...:love9: DUHN DUhn duhhhn :( Then I wanted to buy a BUNCH of Ammo and head to the midwest to find the Morons and A-Holes who did this to these Poor Defenseless Ladies!!!:axe: They should be shot some in the Head repeatedly.:violent1: Then the song totally saved it!:happy1: I was like, well I guess some smart COOL people came by to get some parts to keep their friggin Cars Running,:burnout: and maybe Bringning a few back to life.:angel13: Lots of salvagable metal there...:rock: But yeah just so many cars made me sad again..:cwm10:

Very touching peice 66! Thank you for it.8)

It would be way more dramatic with some fades and stuff "Transitions"
Also maybe a frame would clean it up and ad alot of feeling.

Oh, and...
MIKE, the song and artist can be found to the right of the player's screen on that page. Lot's of cool Indi Artists on there. That's how the music is all free to use and Legit. Those Indi kids just want you to hear them. It's cool cause I totally Love finding some songs on there. Lots of good ones!!! Get some.
nice video i liked the end of it. I wish there was something like that around here, your pretty lucky for that.
that was done very nicely. the thing i hate most about the yard is how they stack cars! :angry7:it ruins everything below the one on top. great job!:-D
Thanks guys, it was fun making, I will make more now that I see how easy it is. Max, I thought about adding the "fade" option between the pics, may have to mess around with it, I can still edit the video. Yes, seeing all those cars is a bummer, but at the same time we can still get parts which are hard to find! These yards around here don't crush the old Mopars (Yet), many parts from these cars are back on the highways again! :toothy10:
The scary thing is now a lot of the cars can now be fixed. Too bad they feel the need to stack mopars, why couldn't they just do that to chebbes?
Awwwwwwwwwww how sad! Nice production there 66340.

Since we're all in the mood for movies now, I'll try to help out with the depression a bit. Just wish somebody would do this with the entire junkyard one car at a time. This stuff could be saved!

http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/...fter Photos/?action=view&current=573484de.pbw

http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/...fter Photos/?action=view&current=244919c8.pbw

http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/...fter Photos/?action=view&current=74fbf90b.pbw

http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/...fter Photos/?action=view&current=3812ccd7.pbw

If I get some time today, Volume V will be on there too.
I liked the video, but how sad to see all those great cars rotting away. Nice ending though.
I've been to F L but not Willmar. My buddies have been there though, they say there going to take me,................................................. for 5 years now.
Cool video! Loved the ending. Makes me think of the days when me and a buddy use to go aroud to the local yards just to look at the cars.
Cool video! Loved the ending. Makes me think of the days when me and a buddy use to go aroud to the local yards just to look at the cars.

Me too! My Valiant actually has some parts from the cars in the video! :toothy10:
Couldnt play the video here at work but funny this came up....

I was out on the motorcycle yesterday riding with my son....told him to keep his eyes open for old MOPARs....

Well, he spotted one....an old rotted Demon....pretty bad shape, and old 6 cylinder car...but we stopped and knocked and got permission to look closer....old guy came out and we chatted...his sons car from 15 years ago....trees had actually grown up around it! WOuld have to cut the trees down to remove it...LOL

Then we spied his NEIGHBORS yard.....no less than 8 old MOPARs....and old Demon, three old 4 door belvederes, and old dart 4 door....an mid 70s lebaron (?) and a few others....the Demon was pretty bad off....up to the rockers (rotted out) in mud....a 340 emblem on the hoodscoop was the only part that could even be saved...LOL. Looks like a 6cyl car that someone hacked.

It was sad, but kind of cool too...My son loved looking at the old cars. "Hey, we can fix that!" "hey, thats cool!" LOL
Nice video! great ending...good thing you can drive...otherwise the camera is gone! Ha
Glad you bumped this up......I had forgtten about this thread and hadnt looked at the video yet. Back in February I hadn't gotten my fish yet....

Now that I have my own ole' Mopar, it means a lot more! LOL

Cool shots.